The source of life and health, or Everything we don’t know about water

It is known that clean drinking water is the source of life. Sometimes we don’t think about the true meaning of this phrase, as well as the meaning of water in our lives in general. Answer a few simple questions and find out this true meaning.

So, did you know that:

  1. The human body is made up of water: 60% of our body, 70% of our brain, 80% of our blood?

  2. while we can live without food for almost a month, we cannot live without water for even one week?

  3. Are water resources finite?

  4. millions of people in the world use about 3 gallons of water per day, while an American uses approximately 160 gallons?

  5. 1 in 3 people do not have access to proper sanitation services, 1 in 5 do not have access to safe drinking water?

  6. According to the UN, every 15 seconds 1 child dies from water-related diseases?

  7. 2,000 times more people die each year from lack of water than died in the sinking of the Titanic?

  8. The greatest tragedies of mankind are nothing compared to how many people die from lack of ordinary drinking water?

The problem of water shortage

Today, providing the world's population with clean, easily accessible water is extremely difficult due to the growth of the world population and the rapid development of a middle class in Asia "hungry for the intense water life" that people in the West lead.

The same water that existed on Earth billions of years ago still exists today. It covers most of the planet, but only 3% is fresh water. And most of it is ice. Only less than 1% of the total volume of fresh water is suitable for human use. In other words, less than 0.007% of all water on Earth is suitable for drinking.

In the 20th century, the world's population tripled and water use increased 6-fold. By the middle of this century, the world population will increase by another 3 billion people. Most of them will be born in countries already experiencing water shortages.

Los Angeles' water resources can provide water to about 1 million people. The population is expected to reach 22 million by 2020.

In 10 to 20 years, El Paso and San Antonio could run out of water resources.

Last year, 25 million refugees were displaced from polluted rivers to other locations. Most of them were forced to flee.

What does the problem of water shortage entail?

Due to excessive pumping, groundwater has almost disappeared in several countries (USA, Iran, Mexico, India, Pakistan). The harvest of grain crops is declining, which in turn leads to food shortages and rising prices. China is already experiencing a large grain shortage. Just like India, Pakistan, Egypt.

The water problem is quickly turning into a hunger problem. Industry needs water, agriculture needs water, we need water.

We will run out of water before we run out of oil.

The responsibility of each of us

For example, have you ever wondered how much water is wasted? We went into another room, went to open the door, just got distracted by a conversation and at the same time the tap was on... how much water was wasted?!

Let's use water rationally, conserve more and always protect it. SAVE WATER - SAVE HEALTH - SAVE LIFE - SAVE WELFARE - SAVE HUMANITY - SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT. All these concepts are interconnected and one inevitably follows from the other.

Diseases associated with poor quality water

Just think: three million people die every year from poor quality water!

Diseases associated with poor quality water and poor sanitation services annually lead to the premature death of about three million people in developing countries, according to the third UN report “Water in a Changing World”.

As noted in the document