Give up your morning cigarette: it is more dangerous than others

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits that causes enormous damage to health. Smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases. A recent study by British scientists showed that morning cigarettes are especially dangerous to health.

The study was published in the scientific journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 250 smokers took part in it. Depending on when they smoked their first cigarette, the level of cotinine (a byproduct of nicotine that determines the risk of lung cancer) in the blood varied significantly. Among those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, the highest concentrations of cotinine were observed in those who puff on a cigarette as soon as they open their eyes in the morning. Some of them had cotinine levels 75 times higher than smokers who smoke their first cigarette much later, for example, after breakfast. So far, scientists cannot explain such a significant difference in numbers. They suggest that smokers who start the day with a cigarette have a higher need for nicotine, so they smoke more intensely than those who light up their first cigarette later.

This study once again highlights the dangers of smoking, especially morning cigarettes. Scientific evidence suggests that smoking not only increases the risk of various diseases, but also reduces life expectancy. Therefore, if you smoke, it is recommended to quit this bad habit immediately.

At the same time, there is a positive trend in Ukraine regarding smoking. According to the results of the Global Adult Tobacco Use Survey, daily smoking has decreased significantly over the past 5 years in Ukraine. More than 90% of the Ukrainian population supports a ban on smoking in public places, and 68% of smokers said they are interested in quitting smoking. This indicates that people are increasingly aware of the dangers of smoking and are ready to fight this habit.

In conclusion, morning cigarette is very dangerous for health. If you smoke, it is recommended to quit this bad habit immediately. Instead, you can try exercising, meditating, or simply enjoying the fresh air. Quitting smoking and taking care of your health should be priorities for every person.