Creativity may indicate mental disorders

Creativity may indicate mental disorders

Creativity is one of the most important qualities of a creative person. It allows a person to stand out from the crowd, find unusual solutions and create works of art that delight millions of people. However, according to recent research, increased creativity may indicate a person has mental disorders.

Swedish scientists from the Karolinska Institute conducted a study that involved more than 1 million people. The study found that artists, writers, poets, musicians and other creative people most often suffer from mental disorders. Writers and journalists are at especially high risk of mental disorders. If they really have high creativity, then a psychological disorder can be found in every second person.

Writers have a higher risk of anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, unipolar depression, and substance abuse. In addition, a writer is about twice as likely to commit suicide due to major depression than the average person. Dancers and photographers also deal with bipolar disorders during their lives.

However, people with mental disorders should not be romanticized. Instead, measures must be taken to prevent and treat these disorders. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that many mental disorders can kindle the fire of creativity in a person. Many famous writers, musicians and artists suffered from depression, but it was this illness that motivated them to create works of art that are classics today.

Studying the connection between creativity and mental disorders helps to better understand the nature of creativity and mental disorders, as well as to develop new methods of treatment and prevention. Ultimately, this can lead to a healthier and more balanced cultural environment.