10 unexplained diseases of our time: is medicine powerless?

Medicine has achieved incredible success in treating many diseases, but there are diseases against which scientists admit their powerlessness. In this article we will look at 10 unexplained diseases of our time that raise many questions for scientists and leave them unanswered.

  1. Creeping skin disease
    This mysterious disease was discovered recently, but is already causing concern among doctors. People suffering from this disease feel like insects are crawling under their skin and open sores appear in their body. So far, scientists have not been able to find an effective cure for this mysterious disease.

  2. Chronic fatigue syndrome
    This syndrome manifests itself in the form of excessive fatigue, which does not go away even after a long rest. People suffering from this disease are unable to lead a normal life due to a constant feeling of fatigue. The cause of this syndrome is still unknown.

  3. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (spastic pseudosclerosis)
    The disease, better known as mad cow disease, causes problems with motor coordination, vision and hearing problems, and cognitive impairment. All cases of mad cow disease result in death. Scientists have still not been able to find an effective cure for this mysterious disease.

  4. Schizophrenia
    Schizophrenia is one of the most mysterious mental disorders. People suffering from this disease cannot distinguish reality from fantasy. Scientists have not yet developed tests that would identify this disease in its early stages.

  5. Autoimmune disorders
    Autoimmune diseases, including lupus and motion sickness, cause damage to your own tissues and organs as the body's immune system begins to attack them. The cause of many of these diseases remains a mystery to scientists.

  6. Allotrifagy
    Allotrifagia is a disease in which people feel the need to eat unusual things, such as chalk, coal, paper or soil. Scientists still don't know what causes this disease or how to treat it.

  7. "Bird flu"
    This is a disease caused by damage to the human body by the influenza virus, to which a person has no immunity. Large