Eyelid skin tightening at the Med City medical center

Despite regular fitness classes, with age, the skin of the eyelids becomes less attractive, it becomes deformed and wrinkles appear, so I decided to contact the Med City specialized medical center.

Eyelid skin tightening at the Med City medical center is a painless plastic procedure, for which professional and experienced specialists use modern techniques and the latest technologies.

Features of eyelid skin tightening

This procedure is performed in several cases, namely when fine wrinkles appear, fat deposits form around the eyes, sagging skin and bags. During an upper eyelid lift, the doctor makes small incisions, and the postoperative sutures are hidden in natural folds.

At the same time, excess subcutaneous fat is removed and muscle tissue is strengthened. If it is necessary to get rid of facial wrinkles and so-called “crow’s feet,” a specialist will perform a lower eyelid lift. The main advantages of this procedure include a more attractive and healthy appearance, painless procedure and long-term effect.

Before starting the procedure, you should definitely refrain from heavy physical activity in the gym, and you should also visit an ophthalmologist, who, after diagnosis, will give permission for an eyelid lift if there are no contraindications. Doctors recommend monitoring the condition of the skin around the eyes, but structural changes are possible not only due to age, but also due to other reasons, which include:

  1. bad habits and non-compliance with the daily routine;
  2. improper cosmetic care for the delicate skin around the eyes;
  3. plastic surgery performed unprofessionally;
  4. hormonal disorders in the body.
  5. overload in the gym with free weights.
  6. use of hormonal drugs, anabolic steroids.

Advantages of the medical center "Med City"

The medical center employs doctors and surgeons of the highest category with extensive experience in the field of cosmetology, dermatology, plastic surgery and phlebology. The Laser Modern Medicine Clinic is licensed to perform procedures and uses precise and high-quality equipment and instruments in accordance with European standards.

The features of the Med City clinic include the availability of high-quality, latest equipment, a staff of highly qualified doctors, a flexible work schedule and a comfortable environment for patients. The cost of services is affordable, and the quality and results are at a high level.

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