Chapped lips: several ways to solve the problem

Dry lips are a common problem, especially in cold and windy weather. It can cause discomfort, peeling and even cracks. But there are several ways that can help you get rid of this problem.

Drink more water

When it's cold or sunny outside, our lips become more prone to dryness. Drinking water frequently can help keep your lips hydrated. If necessary, you can always take a couple of sips to wet your lips.

Use cream or balm

When going outside, it won’t hurt to apply cream or balm to your lips. They will protect the skin of your lips from chapping and help retain moisture even under the scorching rays of the sun. Lip sunscreens can also help with this.

Avoid fluoridated toothpastes

Toothpastes, especially fluoridated ones, are often to blame for excessive dry lips. Their dehydrating and irritating effect can cause long-lasting inflammation of the skin around the mouth. At the first sign of such trouble, you need to switch to another paste.

Avoid bad habits

You always want to lick dry lips, but you shouldn’t do this, because this removes the natural water-fat film from your lips. Also, do not bite your lips, as this can lead to injury to the mucous membrane and the appearance of wounds and cracks.

Get enough vitamins

A lack of vitamins can cause not only increased dryness of the lips, but also their peeling and cracking. Creams with added vitamins A and E can help prevent this. They can be used as usual for the face. It is best if they are intended specifically for lips.

Lip care

The skin of the lips requires the same care as the skin of the face. She benefits from nourishing masks made from natural products. You can use cucumber juice or honey to soften your lips, and a mask of cottage cheese and carrot juice will give your lips elasticity. Don’t forget to also wipe your lips with fruit or berry juice every day to keep them smooth and fresh for a long time.

As a result, dry lips are not a death sentence, and you can fight it. To do this, you need to properly care for your lips, avoid bad habits and get enough vitamins. By following these tips, you can keep your lips soft and healthy in any weather.