How to become a long-liver. 10 commandments

How to become a long-liver. 10 commandments.

  1. Don't overeat. This will relieve the cells and maintain their activity. Cells renew themselves faster, and the body becomes less susceptible to disease.

  2. Eat according to your age. For example, 30-year-old women are recommended to eat liver and nuts to prevent wrinkles. Men over 40 need more cheese and kidneys. After 50 years, eat more fish.

  3. Find a suitable job. Working people look 5 years younger. The best professions that preserve youth are those of conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.

  4. Find yourself a match. Love and tenderness are the best antidote to aging. 2 sexual intercourses a week make a person 14 years younger due to the production of the happiness hormone endorphin.

  5. Have your own point of view. People who live consciously are less likely to become depressed and sad.

  6. Move more. Even 8 minutes of exercise a day prolongs life due to the production of growth hormones.

  7. Sleep in a cool room at 17-18°C. This helps you stay young longer.

  8. Treat yourself to treats and nice things occasionally.

  9. Don't suppress your anger. People who cannot argue are more susceptible to illness.

  10. Train your brain with crosswords, group games, languages ​​and counting without a calculator. This slows down age-related degradation and activates the body.