Enemies of the female breast and how to deal with them

Breasts are one of the main symbols of femininity and beauty. But not all women can boast of an ideal breast shape. The criteria for the “ideal” breast were determined by the famous plastic surgeon Patrick Mallucci. According to his observations, the most popular breasts are those with nipples pointing slightly upward, and the upper half of the breast should be slightly smaller than the lower half. But what if the breasts do not meet these criteria? In this article we will talk about what factors can spoil breasts and how to deal with them.

What spoils breasts?

Many factors can affect the shape and beauty of the breasts. The most common is an incorrectly selected bra. Bras that are too tight impair blood circulation, and bras that are too loose do not provide enough support for the breasts, allowing the skin to stretch. Therefore, choosing high-quality and comfortable underwear is one of the first tasks on the path to ideal shape.

In addition, breast fluctuations during sports are in second place in the ranking of bust enemies. A regular bra reduces the amplitude of these vibrations by only a quarter, while sports underwear can reduce it by three quarters.

Ultraviolet radiation and excessive breast heat are also contraindicated. By sunbathing topless, you provoke the appearance of age spots and wrinkles around the nipple. Before you stay on the beach in just a bikini, think about how many years you want to keep your breasts beautiful. If you expect it to last for several decades, it is better to hide your bust from the sun (even from artificial sunlight in a solarium). High temperature provokes sagging skin and loss of tone. This is something worth considering for lovers of saunas and hot baths. The optimal bath temperature is 36-37 degrees. Those who like it hot are recommended to reduce their stay in the water to 10, maximum 15 minutes.

Sudden weight changes are harmful not only to the whole body, but also to the breasts. Fatty tissue in the breast area accumulates and breaks down the fastest. If you rapidly lose weight by several sizes, your bust may become flaccid and sag. Gaining weight can lead to the appearance of stretch marks. Most often, young mothers face this problem. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are at the top of the list of factors affecting breast shape. During pregnancy, breasts increase in size and may lose their shape after childbirth. In addition, breastfeeding may cause your breasts to lose even more tone and firmness.

How to deal with breast problems?

There are several ways to combat breast problems. First of all, you should pay attention to the correct underwear. Bras should be comfortable, not too tight and not too loose. Sports bras can also help reduce breast movement during sports.

In addition, you should monitor your weight. Sudden changes in weight can negatively affect the shape of your breasts. Therefore, it is important to maintain a stable weight and monitor proper nutrition.

To improve the tone of the breast skin, you can use various cosmetics, such as creams and oils for skin care. It is also useful to massage your breasts to improve blood circulation and tone the skin.

Finally, if your breast problems are too severe, you can consult a plastic surgeon. There are different types of plastic surgery that can help improve the shape and size of the breasts.

It is important to understand that ideal breasts are not the most important thing in a woman’s life. The main thing is health and self-confidence. Therefore, you should not worry too much about the imperfections of your breasts and put this problem above others.