Hydrogenated fats in food

As part of the section: “Nutrition Basics” of our fitness site, we continue to study what types of fats there are. As you already know, there are both healthy and harmful fats, and it is the direct responsibility of every self-respecting bodybuilder to have a clear understanding of both. In this article we will dwell in detail on the harmful...

Having received the knowledge below, you will be able to successfully adjust your menu, make your diet more healthy and balanced, protect yourself from unnecessary potential health problems...

The unhealthy fats in food are what are called saturated fats. For the most part, this formulation applies to fats primarily of animal origin, such as meat, butter, milk, cheeses, ice cream, egg yolks, coffee and chocolate, coconut and palm oils. In short, almost any prepared food will contain some amount of these fats. But this does not mean that we need to completely abandon it and switch exclusively to sports nutrition! No need to go too far! As you know, everything needs a golden mean.

So, we conclude: fats are harmful, but this does not mean that you should completely abandon them. Animal food is also the main source of protein, which is vital for our body, especially the bodybuilder’s body. How to achieve the golden mean in your diet?

  1. Firstly, replace fatty meat with leaner types, for example: red meat - fish, chicken, rabbit.
  2. Secondly, drink coffee not with your favorite cream, but with low-fat milk, and it is best to avoid such a drink altogether. Because ideally, fermented milk products are much healthier for our body than just milk and cream.
  3. Thirdly, if you really love eggs and can’t even imagine your breakfast without them, you will have to give up at least the yolk - because it contains the main concentration of bad cholesterol.
  4. And most importantly: completely avoid animal fat when cooking (cooking) food - it can be more than replaced with useful vegetable oil - at least olive or sunflower.

Hydrogenated fats are harmful artificially produced fats, usually found in margarine and unnaturally soft butter, as well as in deep-fried foods, in all kinds of chips and in a wide variety of all kinds of cookies, candies and other sweets supplied to the market in sealed, sealed containers. vacuum packaging.

On packaging material, before the advertising name of the oil, the word is often indicated: hydro-genated (hydrogenated products). This is what eloquently tells us that unsaturated vegetable oils, as a result of the technological process, were heated to ultra-high temperatures, as a result of which they were transformed into saturated ones. In terms of the degree of impact on the human body, such products are similar to natural saturated fats with all the attendant...

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