I carry everything I have with me! What you can't do without this summer...

I carry everything I have with me! What you can't do without this summer

Haven't had time to relax in the summer yet?! Then you need to hurry: after all, summer is a magical time, a sea of ​​opportunities for positive emotions, a boost of energy and pleasant memories for the whole year! We offer you several scenarios for spending the remaining warm summer days - have time to collect your personal album of impressions!

If you are a lover of a comfortable holiday and love to bask on the beach of the warm sea coast, the palm should be unconditionally awarded to relaxing in a cozy hotel in one of the many resorts. In this case, you don’t have to worry about such little things as food and finding a place to sleep - just stock up on a couple of cute swimsuits, a pareo and glasses, and others will do the rest for you. But still, don’t forget about such important little things as sunscreen and DISCREET daily diaries with a unique Multiform system, which can easily “adapt” to any shape of panties and give you a feeling of freshness for the whole day - and you can safely go to the nearest bar or disco!

If an idle holiday in one place does not impress you and you want something active - go hiking with friends! This is a great opportunity to improve your health and get some fresh air! The main thing is to “carry everything you have with you”: let’s assume that men will take on tents, provisions and other burdens. Take for yourself a sufficient amount of drinking water (after all, there will be no place to replenish its supplies), protective products against insects, ONLY YOU daily bags will also not hurt, since you will not be able to wash yourself, but they will provide you with comfort and affordable protection.

Have you just changed your job and vacation isn't coming yet? Go to the dacha next weekend and roam the forests and fields! Fresh milk, fresh bread and a bouquet of field daisies will definitely do their “good deed” and completely relieve city fatigue - you will return fresh and rested. Moreover, far from civilization you need practically nothing: leave cosmetics at home - give your skin a rest, take only warm clothes from clothes (in case it gets colder) and breathable NATURELLA daily diaries with the scent of chamomile, decorated with cute flowers - they adapt to any type of laundry. You will feel a real unity with nature!

Even if you don’t manage to escape at all, this is not a reason to be upset: if the mountain does not go to Mohammed... Arrange a vacation “on the spot,” so to speak, without interrupting work! Fortunately, the summer day lasts a long time - after work you can get a lot done! City beaches, discos, bars are at your service... If you wish. And you don’t need to waste time at all to return home and take a shower - just freshen up with wet wipes, touch up your makeup, let your hair down and change your daily routine! ALWAYS will help you out in any situation, because the name is translated from English for a reason. “always” is their motto! They guarantee excellent moisture absorption, not only masking, but also - most importantly - odor absorption and complete comfort: the Flexi system gives the pad extreme flexibility, and high-quality adhesive will securely hold it on the laundry. The abundance of shapes, the ability to choose daily items based on the volume of discharge, the shape of the underwear and even the color will provide them with a “permanent residence” in your purse or cosmetic bag!

Well, an azure beach, a cozy hammock, a fiery disco or songs with a guitar by the fire - it’s your choice. The main thing is to stay on top in any situation!