Lunar health calendar for July 2013

"Only in a strong, healthy body
the spirit maintains balance,
and character develops
in all its might."
Herbert Spencer

Simple, but wise... but only by being healthy are we able to make incredible plans for the future, dream, fight for our ideals and stereotypes, love to the point of dizziness and simply live.

But sometimes, even if we follow all the preventive precautions, we may encounter a loss of strength, a decrease in vitality and immunity, and a deterioration in general well-being, although there are no apparent reasons for this. All this happens due to the strong influence of the Moon on us, our organs and the body as a whole. To live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, you must certainly know the laws of interaction in the Universe, and do everything in your own time, and not as you please.

Simple tips from the lunar health calendar for July 2013 from astrologer Irina Kirichenko will help you with this:

1.07 – refrain from eating meat, alcohol, heavy fried foods. Take care of your health, remember that immunity is especially weakened on these lunar days. Procedures to strengthen the spine are useful. Try to spend less time in front of the computer monitor and TV screen, take care of your eyes;

2.07 – try to stick to your daily routine today, especially when it comes to eating and sleeping, otherwise there may be uncontrollable emotional outbursts. Refrain from active physical activity, there is a high probability of bruises, cracks and fractures;

3.07 – it is better to spend today in solitude; the practice of mediation and contemplation of water will help maintain inner balance and peace of mind. Diet and cleansing practices are useful, but only on the recommendation of a specialist;

4.07 – in food, give preference to fish, herbs and vegetables; eating meat products is extremely undesirable. Make sure that the load on your joints is moderate, otherwise you simply cannot avoid injuries;

5.07 – practices aimed at relaxation are useful; forget about physical activity today. Be careful with the use of medications and alcohol. Try to spend more time outdoors;

6.07 – try to eat more seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables, give up strong tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks. Avoid excessive exercise and monitor your blood pressure;

7.07 – the energy of the day will require you to be calm and calm; it is recommended to fast. Avoid drinking alcohol. Before going to bed, the practice of cleansing with water is useful; to do this, just dip your feet in cold water for a couple of minutes, and then immediately go to bed;

8.07 – refrain from drinking strong coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages. The practice of meditating on a candle flame is useful. When it comes to food, give preference to a vegetarian menu;

9.07 is a great time to start a cycle of physical exercise or a series of wellness massages. You can begin the practice of cleansing the body of toxins, but only if you do not have acute contraindications to this;

10.07 – it is recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna, as well as good physical activity; to select the optimal set of exercises, consult a trainer, otherwise you may harm yourself. Avoid worries and worries, as they can provoke heart problems;

11.07 is a favorable day to start a cycle of herbal treatment. Try to spend more time in nature;

12.07 – it’s time to adjust your diet and lifestyle. Consult with specialists who will help you balance your diet and choose the optimal set of physical exercises. Don’t put off taking care of your health until tomorrow;

July 13 is one of the best days for anti-aging procedures. An aromatherapy session will have an incredible healing effect on the body;

14.07 – beware of drafts, avoid sudden changes in temperature