For a bodybuilder, chronic lack of sleep is a deliberate step backwards!

And here’s another instructive story for you... Once upon a time in my good old youth, at the dawn of the emergence and development of bodybuilding as an art and movement, one guy trained with me. His name was Misha. He was about 20 years old. A classic mesomorph with pronounced muscles and broad bones. In general, the initial data is just right for bodybuilding...

But here’s the problem: suddenly, from a certain point in our communication, my friend began to constantly complain about some kind of chronic decline - a complete lack of at least some growth and progress in training...

And our whole company noticed this: everyone is growing, progressing, but he still can’t get out of his little sister’s big women’s T-shirts, in a word, it’s as if he’s marking time and just going to the gym in vain...

Well, we started trying to understand: what’s wrong? We studied his training plan - everything seems to be OK. We sorted out the diet menu - everything was also correct. We don’t understand anything: the athlete seems to be doing everything as expected, but there is some kind of stagnation that has already been prolonged...

Subsequently, the picture began to clear up a little... It turns out that our friend had all the symptoms of chronic sore throat and, accordingly, overtraining. But where? Misha trained the same way as the rest of us - three times a week. Moreover, the duration of the training was no more than two hours... How he managed to overtrain himself remained a mystery. Moreover, according to our estimates, his diet menu should have been enough for a full and high-quality recovery...

The solution turned out to be tritely simple - chronic lack of sleep! It turns out: our friend worked as a DJ at a local club, and every night he did not sleep, as all the other members of our team did, but cut his sets on the turntables. And all his passive rest consisted of a few snatched hours during the day. Naturally, such a minuscule amount was not enough for a full recovery. And he, without proper rest and not caring about the lack of sleep, kept coming to the gym again and again and lifting iron along with the rest. And so for quite a long time, and all in conditions of constant lack of sleep! Hence your sore throat and overtraining.

Never ignore sleep - because it is the most important component of the bodybuilding process in bodybuilding. So, if it’s late evening and you’re reading this article, then quickly finish reading and go to bed! Good night and good quality muscle growth!

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