A set of exercises to get rid of hemorrhoids

If you have already tried all the methods - cool washing, applying ice, sea buckthorn suppositories, and pharmaceutical drugs - and hemorrhoids are still there, it’s time to take the problem more seriously. To begin with, it makes sense to adjust your diet.

Eat soups, cereals, fruits and vegetables - those foods that do not cause constipation and other digestive problems. Try to lead an active lifestyle - move as much as possible. At the same time, you can begin exercises that relieve hemorrhoids. The main exercise will be the well-known “Birch”. Lying on your back, lift your legs and pelvis up. Stay on your shoulders for at least 3 minutes.

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The second exercise may seem strange, since it involves the need to push, which is contraindicated for hemorrhoids. It's all about the poses. The attempts will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will help, as they say, to knock out the “wedge with a wedge.” Lie on your back, bend your legs and push 10 times. Then turn over onto your side and push again 10 times. Repeat the same procedure on the other side. Stand in a knee-elbow position and do 10 pushes to complete the exercise.

The third exercise is retracting the anus for 10 seconds. It doesn’t matter what position you do it in. So the third exercise is available to you even at work. We got up, counted down 10 seconds and relaxed again. That's all. If you are not lazy, you will gradually be able to overcome this unpleasant disease.