Top 7 signs that you are ready to become a mother

  1. YOUR OWN HOUSING. If you have your own apartment or house, this is a big plus, because you want your future children to have their own corner, and a kindergarten and school nearby.

  2. FINANCIAL STABILITY. It is important to have a stable income to provide everything your child needs.

  3. HEALTH. Before pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo an examination and make sure that everything is in order with your health.

  4. SUPPORT OF LOVED ONES. Raising a child is not an easy task, and it is important to have people around who you can rely on.

  5. DESIRE TO BECOME A MOTHER. This is the main motivating factor. You need to consciously decide that you are ready for motherhood.

  6. PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE. You will need these qualities to cope with whims and challenges.

  7. DESIRE TO GIVE. Being a mother means giving a part of yourself to your child. Willingness to self-sacrifice is an important sign of maturity.