Is it possible to buy good vitamins for bodybuilding at the pharmacy?

As you know, for full-fledged and high-quality body building, good “building materials” are needed. Moreover, there should be a lot of them. They should be varied. And most importantly, their delivery to “our construction site” must be trouble-free. So that God forbid I experience even the slightest downtime. We have repeatedly told you about creatines, proteins, gainers, fat burners, BCAA  and other wisdom from the world of sports nutrition. What about vitamins and minerals? After all, our body probably also needs them for full growth? - of course, they are needed. And today we will shed light on this important aspect in a bodybuilder’s diet...

We all know from kindergarten how much we need vitamins and minerals. Since childhood, we were forced to eat these small round yellow balls, ala Revit, motivating us: they say you will grow up big and strong. Is this really so? Or was it a total scam?

Let’s say with authority: without a doubt, there are benefits from taking vitamins. At least the fact that we regularly received even a small dose of vitamin C is already a huge plus in strengthening and maintaining our immunity at the proper level, and, of course, an excellent foundation for the full growth of a young body...

However, all of the above applied exclusively to children. What about bodybuilders? After all, they need not only not to get sick and be healthy, but also to progress in growth. And note: this growth is not only muscle! After all, powerful muscles need to be supplied with a sufficient amount of blood. And for this, the vessels and capellars must be significantly developed. The heart, which pushes our blood through these channels, is also important. Well, with blood, as you know, all the necessary nutrients are delivered to every point in our body and waste products and waste products are removed. Also, with sufficiently developed volumetric muscles, there must be a corresponding musculoskeletal system: our bones, on which meat grows. And cartilage, joints. As we see, even without digging far, it becomes clear that the matter does not end with the development of muscles alone. In bodybuilding, you need to grow the entire body and improve all its systems. Well, here you won’t be able to get by with just some good old revit...

Well, perhaps this is all we planned to tell you about vitamins for now. In our subsequent articles, as always, you will find a lot of interesting things from the world of bodybuilding and fitness. Stay with us…

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