L-Carnitine: 7 interesting facts

L-carnitine is a substance that is similar in structure to B vitamins. Many athletes use L-carnitine for weight loss, although this supplement does not have this function. Its main job in the body is to transport fat directly to the mitochondria, where it is converted into energy. That is, it does not remove fat, but helps it change during training and increase your endurance.

What you need to know about L-carnitine?

  1. Positively affects your health. Anyone planning to buy L-carnitine needs to know that it lowers cholesterol levels in the body and blood pressure. This supplement also has a good effect on the heart. It will also be effective for liver and kidney diseases. The fact is that the amino acid is produced precisely in these organs. Therefore, if you suffer from kidney disease, there is a need to receive an additional dose of L-carnitine, which can be purchased at any online sports nutrition store.
  2. It is an effective supplement for professional athletes. L-Carnitine increases energy production during exercise and helps increase your performance and endurance. The amino acid can minimize fatigue and muscle pain during exercise (L-carnitine slows down the accumulation of lactic acid).
  3. The body's daily need for L-carnitine, which can be purchased at any specialty store, depends on your age, gender, occupation, etc. For the average person, it will be enough to consume about 300 milligrams of the supplement daily, while those who engage in heavy physical labor need to consume about 1,500 milligrams. For those who regularly lift heavy weights, the acceptable dose is up to 3,000 milligrams per day.
  4. Signs of L-carnitine deficiency, the price of which varies depending on the manufacturer and form of release, may not be immediately noticeable. They are noted in vegetarians and athletes who do not watch their diet. The body needs this amino acid if you experience the following symptoms: sudden fatigue, decreased immunity, weight gain, heart problems.
  5. Sources of L-carnitine include foods such as meat, fish and poultry. Milk and dairy products (for example, cottage cheese) also contain large amounts of this substance.
  6. Participates in anabolism. Multiple studies have confirmed the fact that athletes who take L-carnitine not only lose excess weight, but also increase their muscle mass.
  7. Interaction with other types of sports nutrition. If you regularly go to the gym, then you know that to achieve better results you need to take specially formulated sports supplements. It is acceptable to use L-carnitine for weight loss and to increase muscle mass. In the first case, the amino acid can be used together with a fat burner. This combination will reduce the side effects of drugs for reducing subcutaneous fat. In the second option, L-carnitine goes well with proteins and gainers, which can be purchased in many stores in Ukraine.

This supplement is sold in three forms - as a liquid, as a capsule or tablet. Most often you can find the latest version of L-carnitine on store shelves. The price for such a product will be more affordable, and the effect is no different from its analogues. The only drawback of tablets is that they are absorbed more slowly by the body compared to liquid. An L-carnitine capsule is something between the first and last option, but finding such a drug will be quite difficult.

Remember that before you start taking any sports supplement, you need to study all the necessary information about it. When choosing L-carnitine, read reviews on various sites, consult with a coach and athletes, etc. Only a careful approach will help you choose a drug that will help you achieve positive results in the future.

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