Ice kiss effect, or New recipes for fresh breath

A girl's lips should be desirable. Cracks, and worse cold rashes, painful pallor or blueness from the cold have a repulsive effect on men. Nothing surprising. What can we say about the breath, it must certainly be fresh. And what could be more attractive than a smiling girl for a man? Only the girl who gave the kiss! They can be different, for example salty if you snacked on chips, they can be bitter if you ate pepper, or even sour if you added sour sauce to the dish. But all this can be avoided by freshening your breath!

Then you ask, how to make a kiss sweet? No, chocolates won’t help here, it’s all about well-groomed lips. Let's focus only on this area.

Fresh breath makes it easier to understand
We all learned this simple, easy-to-remember slogan a long time ago. And how exactly it sounds - neither add nor take away! Bad breath is annoying, spoils business contacts, can ruin your personal life, and in particularly serious cases, lead to significant emotional trauma. In order to feel it from another person, you don’t need to be a dentist or come closer than half a meter. Everything is immediately clear. But only close people will help you find out that your loved one has such a problem, because it is extremely difficult to notice this defect in yourself. And from this it becomes somehow completely awkward.

Even the fact that most people face this problem does not improve their mood at all. We are not many, so we will fight this!

To date, scientists have identified about 400 essential organic compounds in normal human exhalation. Not all of them are smelly. The main culprits of bad odor are hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptam.

The human mouth is home to more than 300 species of bacteria. There are ideal conditions for them - warm, dark and damp. Bacteria feed on leftover food, dead cells, and anything else found in the mouth. These processes accelerate during sleep because when a person sleeps, salivation decreases by 50 times. During the day, saliva, rich in acids and oxygen, washes away bacteria, but at night this does not happen, which is why there is that same unpleasant smell and taste in the morning.

Main reasons:

  1. bronchitis
  2. rotten teeth, gum disease, poor oral hygiene, mouth sores
  3. hiatal hernia
  4. diabetes
  5. liver disease
  6. taking certain medications
  7. some types of cancer
  8. renal failure

How to deal with this:

The very first step in the fight against unpleasant odor should be to step into the doctor's office. This is necessary, since the constant use of all kinds of breath fresheners can further aggravate the problem. For example, if you have gastritis, then frequent chewing of gum can lead to ulcers.

It is not enough to simply brush your teeth twice a day (at least!). There are still places that she cannot penetrate. And this is not at all an advertising ploy to get us to buy the “right” toothpaste. This is indeed true, which is why it is important to floss at least once a day to remove food debris between your teeth. Don't forget about the language! Bacteria accumulate in the mini-grooves of the tongue. So when you brush your teeth, use gentle circular motions.

Regular visits to the dentist, who will heal caries and remove tartar, will prevent the unpleasant odor from reappearing.

The more saliva in your mouth, the less odor, so drink more water.

Take care of your health. Then your communication with others will become easy and relaxed.

Cupid's bow

Perhaps it’s not worth talking about the main causes of lip problems. And so it is clear that the skin of the lips is delicate, sensitive, and requires special care. And we, paying a lot of attention to the face, often forget about them. Here are some useful tips:

After removing lipstick, do not neglect the nourishing product; lubricate your lips with it. From the time of