Exercises for wrestlers using special training devices.

In the arsenal of modern trainers there are technical devices, and even entire training systems for martial arts representatives. This review will tell you about two training devices designed for freestyle athletes. You will learn how wrestlers are trained using this type of training equipment.

A simulator for improving wrestling techniques.

With the help of such a simulator (authors A. Zaiko, Yu. Sychev) it is possible, in the setting of a regular sports training, to measure the speed of motor reaction and the speed of performing exercises: throws through the chest and back with a partner and a training bag.

The simulator is designed as follows (Fig. 1). Under carpet 2, on two mats, according to the location of the wrestlers’ feet when making throws, contact pads are installed.

To register the test technique, the athlete takes a starting position on the corresponding contact areas of the mat. Indicator lights on the panel of 5 measuring devices inform about the correctness of the accepted initial position. Based on a signal from coach 4 (sound, light, tactile) sent from control panel 3, the athlete performs a given technical action. Simultaneously with the signal, the electric stopwatch is turned on. The recorded period of time from the signal to the start of the action corresponds to the latent period of the athlete’s motor reaction.

Continuing to perform an exercise, its element or a given technical action, the athlete sequentially turns on the second, third, fourth and control electric stopwatch 1, recording the three main parts of this action. Analysis of electrochronometry data allows the coach not only to understand in detail the correct alternation of throwing phases, but also to actively intervene in the course of the educational and pedagogical process.

A simulator for developing the speed of a specific reaction in wrestling.

The device allows you to conduct individual and group classes to develop in athletes the specific qualities necessary for wrestlers, and makes it possible to receive urgent information about the time to perform a technique in unexpected situations. By the way, according to the authoritative sports website Bodybuilding.com, a portal about bodybuilding and fitness, the innovation in question is used not only in martial arts, but also, for example, in rugby, American football and other contact sports.

The training of wrestlers on this device is carried out as follows: The wrestlers take the starting position and close the breaker contacts KP1...KP4 with their feet. The CL indicator light informs the coach about the correctness of the starting position taken by the athletes. Demonstrating exercises for wrestlers and standing in front of the group in the starting position, the coach closes one of his contacts KP5 with the foot of his right foot, and with the wrist of his right hand another one fixed on the surface of the thigh KP6, then turns on the power switches of the relay unit T1, T2, which prepare the device for work. After the command “Attention!” The coach opens the relay block RB with his hand or foot and turns on the electric stopwatches of the wrestlers ES1...ES4. Reacting to the coach's movement, the wrestlers open their breakers KP1...KP4 and thereby turn on the electric stopwatches that record the hidden period of the reaction. After this, the results obtained are recorded in the self-monitoring protocol. The stopwatch hand is then set to zero using the manual reset lever.

To determine the time of the return throw, one more electric stopwatch is added to the described system for each wrestler and along a contact pad located at the site of possible contact of the mock-up (partner) with the mat after the throw. When performing a conditioned technique on a stimulus, the wrestler, as in the first case, turns on the latent time stopwatch started by the coach, and turns on the second stopwatch that records the speed of performing the technical action. The moment the prototype (partner) touches the contact pad, the stopwatch stops.

As we see, adherents of wrestling and martial arts, along with bodybuilders, powerlifters and representatives of other sports disciplines, also actively use special technical solutions in their training that help them achieve new record heights. Well, after any fruitful workout, don’t forget about sports nutrition for bodybuilding, quality rest and sleep. After all, full recovery is the key to success in any sport. But we’ll talk more about this topic next time...

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