The Dirty Dozen: 12 Myths That Prevent Tobacco Control

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Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the world. The health risks of smoking are well understood, as is the effectiveness of public health interventions to prevent and reduce smoking. However, a number of myths about smoking encourage people to either start smoking, continue smoking, or deter them from quitting. These myths undermine tobacco control. Let's consider and refute the 12 most common myths:

  1. The myth of freedom of choice. In fact, free will is limited by advertising and nicotine addiction.

  2. The myth that everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. In fact, many people underestimate specific risks.

  3. The myth is that a few cigarettes a day are harmless. In fact, even light smoking increases the risk of heart disease.

  4. The myth about “light” cigarettes. In fact, they are just as harmful as regular ones.

  5. It is a myth that quitting smoking is easy. In fact, it is difficult because of nicotine addiction.

  6. The myth of ineffective treatment for smoking cessation. In fact, they increase your chances of success.

  7. It is a myth that a smoker always remains a smoker. More than half quit.

  8. The myth is that you only lose bad years at the end of life. Smoking shortens healthy life.

  9. The myth about the harmlessness of passive smoking. It causes serious illness.

  10. The myth about the benefits of tobacco for the economy. In fact, the harm outweighs it.

  11. The myth is that we have defeated tobacco. More than a billion people smoke.

  12. The Myth of Stopping Marketing to Children. In fact, it continues.

Thus, common myths about smoking undermine efforts to combat it. Educational campaigns are needed to effectively counter these myths and save lives.