Sauna for soul and body!

We would like to recommend you the best sauna bathing method. The easiest way to describe this method is as follows:
Traditional bathing in a sauna looks something like this: steaming should begin with a bath in the shower. After washing with a washcloth and wrapping yourself in a clean towel, you can enter the sauna. From time to time you add a little water to the stones, which increases the humidity and the feeling of warmth will be more acute when the heat “gets under the skin”.

Tip 1. If the sauna is too hot, sit on the lower bench (heat rises upward).

Tip 2. Tilo heaters have a special steam generator (water trough). Fill it with water before steaming and your sauna will have pleasant air humidity from the very beginning of bathing.

Tip 3. Try steaming with Tilo essences: mint, eucalyptus, birch, etc., after mixing them in the added water. You will discover a new feeling of being in a sauna.

When you start to sweat, it's time to get back into the shower. The pores are sufficiently open and you can wash yourself well. Then return to the sauna again.

Continue swimming alternately in the sauna and shower. Finally, add more water to the stones to enjoy a cooling shower. After steaming, have a good rest in a comfortable environment. Drink a cold drink and enjoy a pleasant feeling in your soul and body!

Rules for steaming in baths and saunas

You need to take a steam bath calmly and without fuss. Take off your jewelry and watches. You should not go to the steam room after a heavy meal or on an empty stomach, especially if you are drunk.

Before entering the steam room, rinse your body with water, while keeping your hair dry - this will keep your head from overheating. If the amount of hair on your head makes you concerned about its heat-resistant functions, use a hat.

It is not good to rush in the bathhouse. Regularity, calmness, silence, cleanliness are the most important components of physical and mental relaxation in the bathhouse.

You should get used to the temperature gradually. The first entry should not take more than 5 minutes. Do not water the stones after the first use. When leaving the steam room, sit in the dressing room for a while and cool down. Usually they enter the steam room 2-3 times and stay there for 8-12 minutes. Between approaches - rest for 3-5 minutes. Climb on shelves closer to the ceiling to warm up better, and go down to cool down. After a second stay in the steam room and cooling down for a short time, you can experience the effects of lower temperatures: plunge into a pool of cold water and even lie in the snow. During contrast procedures, you should not be overcooled or chilled.

About the benefits of the Russian bath and Finnish sauna

People have long had a saying: the sauna soars - it gives health. And this is no coincidence. After all, the history of the bathhouse is the history of humanity! It is known that Egyptian priests steamed four times during the day: twice during the day and twice at night. Everywhere there were beautifully designed baths, accessible to everyone (not like in modern times...).

The love of baths and massage, and moderation in food allowed the Egyptians to maintain a slim figure and helped them successfully fight premature aging. Egyptian doctors of that time were considered the best in the world, and their art in treating various diseases was not complete without a bath.

As written in one ancient treatise, there are ten benefits of bathing: clarity of mind, freshness, vigor, health, strength, beauty, youth, purity, pleasant skin color and the attention of beautiful women. Let us note that those who understand a lot about a steam bath go there not so much to wash themselves as to warm up and sweat. Warming leads to a beneficial change in the functional state of organs and systems of the body, increased metabolism, and promotes the development of protective and compensatory mechanisms. This is explained by the beneficial effects of heat and sweating on the cardiovascular, respiratory, thermoregulatory and en