Shrimp heads protect against heart disease

Australian scientists have made an amazing discovery by isolating a pigment from shrimp heads that can strengthen the human cardiovascular system. This pigment, called astaxanthin, is what causes shrimp to turn orange-pink when cooked. However, now scientists claim that this substance can save a person from such dangerous diseases as hypertension, ischemia, stroke and myocardial infarction.

Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. This substance can protect the body's cells from aging, as well as strengthen the immune system. In addition, astaxanthin significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels and reduces inflammatory processes in the body.

Besides shrimp heads, astaxanthin can be obtained from other sources such as fish, algae, and even bird eggs. However, shrimp are considered one of the best sources of this substance.

Besides astaxanthin, there is another natural product that may help prevent heart disease and stroke. This is green tea. Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant called catechin. Catechins help protect blood vessels from damage, lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots.

Thus, if you want to strengthen your heart and protect yourself from cardiovascular diseases, include shrimp and green tea in your diet. They will not only help maintain your health, but will also be a pleasant addition to your table.