Methane for muscles

In this article we will call a spade a spade. It will be useful reading for both natural bodybuilders and people who use synthetic drugs to accelerate muscle growth, the so-called “chemists”. Today we will look at such a common and widely discussed slang term as “methane” - for some it is a forbidden fruit, but for others it is a painfully familiar and familiar word. But neither one nor the other often knows or thinks about its benefits and harms, dosages and limitations, dosage regimens and pharmacological mechanisms of action on the athlete’s body...

Are you looking for methane tablets for muscles? - here you go! Why? In addition to comprehensive information, we have more than 450 comments with heated discussion: How to take? With what? What are the side effects? Are there any contraindications? Optimal dosage? Combination with other drugs? and so on - here you will find answers to any questions about methandrostenolone... But first, a little background...

  1. The careless use of methane by ordinary people from the gym.
  2. Methane tablets. History of appearance.
  3. Protect yourself!
  4. Drug use.
  5. The use of methane and important points...
  6. The first course of methane and its correct dosage
  7. Methane for muscles side effects and common myths about methane:
  8. Myths of methandrostenolone:
  9. Side effects:
  10. After course therapy.
  11. Main conclusions
  12. Contents and Article Navigation:

The careless use of methane by ordinary people from the gym.

Methane consumption is shrouded in many stereotypes. The most common of them is: “like everyone else, so am I.” However, most users of this drug do not even know its correct name - “methandrostenolone”. And its use is limited to the first available regimen out of many existing ones, although it would not hurt to devote more time to this aspect, since you have decided to get hooked on taking anabolic steroids. As we mentioned above, several different modes of methane consumption have been developed, but all of them can cause irreparable harm to health if you do not understand in detail and delve into all the intricacies of this product. Remember that responsibility for the state of your body and health in general lies solely on your shoulders, and no one else will make a decision for you about taking “methane” and choosing the doses used. We are not the only ones who touch on this interesting topic, since a lot has already been written about it. Let us try to explain in detail and clearly some details in order to understand the need to conduct similar experiments on our own body.

In fact, methane is the most common steroid in the whole world today. Almost all experienced athletes and bodybuilders with experience will recommend using methane as an initial course. In addition, compared to other anabolic steroids, methandrostenolone is the most budget option. Very inexpensive and effective!

Methane tablets. History of appearance.

Methane in the form of tablets appeared in the fifties of the twentieth century, when there were really no exercise machines. And before this tablet moment, its use was reduced to the use of injections. However, the injection approach had two significant drawbacks: the short duration of action of the substance and the completely inconvenient form of using the drug. The first disadvantage resulted in the need for a huge number of injections during the day, which required preparation and took a long time. The second inconvenience provided the person with constant unpleasant pain, scarring, resorption problems, etc. It was this reason that brought the greatest difficulties in the use of methane, since the first patients to whom this drug was prescribed were mainly people who had undergone serious operations or injuries, had severe forms of infectious diseases, and in general received a huge dose of various kinds of injections. In view of all the above arguments, the creation of an oral type of steroid could not have come at a better time.

However, in addition to this, the negative aspect of most types of anabolic steroids practiced at that time was their high level of endrogenicity, i.e. hormonal changes in the human body that contribute to more intense production of male sexual characteristics. Along with all these disadvantages, there was also a huge list of side effects. For example, a drug common at that time: methyltestosterone could cause a disease such as jaundice in the human body. A number of these major problems, as well as many minor accompanying disadvantages, served as the impetus for the creation of methandrostenolone.

In the second half of the twentieth century, thanks to the Sport publishing house, a book called “Anabolic Steroids” was published. From it we learn the new name of methandrostenolone - dianabol. This is an oral drug developed by one of the American scientists, J. Ziegler, back in 1956 thanks to the support of the Ciba-Geigy company. Over time, the names of methane have changed, as have the manufacturing companies. Only the active ingredient remained unchanged - methandienone or methandrostenolone. Due to the many pharmaceutical companies, oral steroids could vary in the "purity" of methandrostenolone. And, just like today, among the drugs there are outright defects and counterfeits, containing in the tablet an amount of active substance that does not correspond to the label.

However, it is believed that at this stage of development and establishment of the drug, many previously existing problems were solved. And the most important advantage, first of all, is the tablet form of the drug. In addition, it had the property of not being destroyed inside the athlete’s stomach, but being absorbed directly into the blood. The tablet had this property due to the presence of a methyl group in the content. In fact, Methandrostenolone is essentially nothing more than methyltestosterone after dehydrogenation. Therefore, you can find another name for it - dehydromethyltestosterone. But the dehydrogenation process, unfortunately, does not eliminate many side effects, such as jaundice, edema and dispersion, and even liver enlargement. Another problem solved was the reduction in the level of endrogenism. If we go into sports pharmacology in detail, we can say that methandrostenolone is similar to testosterone in its biological effects and chemical structure. Of course, it’s difficult to describe all this, but still: the level of anabolic activity of these two components (methandrostenolone and testosterone) is practically the same, but the endrogenic effect exerted by testosterone is several tens of times higher than that of methandrostenolone. However, for many reasons, even testosterone-based drugs are popular among bodybuilders...

An interesting fact is that methandrostenolone, in addition to its main function as an oral anabolic steroid, is also an active substance in the produced external ointment of the same name. Its main purpose is treatment for baldness.

So why is methane so popular among bodybuilders? And what do the “chemists” themselves think about this? Let's now try to answer these questions.

A statistical survey we conducted showed that bodybuilders and other lovers of hardware and exercise equipment who decide to stimulate the growth of their muscles through anabolic steroids actually prefer to start with the use of methane. This choice is based on three main reasons, which we will describe simultaneously with their “exposure”:

  1. The most important reason for choosing this drug is the tablet form described in detail above. Yes, yes, exactly the form. After all, simplicity is often the key to success. The convenience of tablets is simply incomparable to injections. And in addition to this, many people associate injectable drugs with narcotic drugs. After which they fear that they will develop an addiction due to these injections. The use of steroid drugs is not such a bad habit, but drugs are a serious and illegal matter. And no one wants to acquire such problems. So, let’s say it again, these are just associations based on psychological reflections, not supported by any proven basis. Anabolic steroids can in no way be called narcotic drugs in the truest sense of the word. Of course, they are accepted by a person to more effectively and quickly achieve the task, and this effect naturally causes a feeling of self-satisfaction and joy. And it seems that without this there is no point in training. But, nevertheless, methane is not a narcotic substance, since it does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system of the body, as a result of which an imitation of the effects of endorphins that improve mood occurs, or, conversely, a decrease in the pain threshold and so on other effects. Steroids affect the body differently. These are hormonal changes. And all the psychological outbursts listed above are just emotions. So the use of tablets or injections is the choice of each individual person. You just need to remember that both have and actually lead to the same result. After all, the difference between them is only in the method of administration and introduction into the body, and not in the composition, and not in the method of influence.
  2. The second aspect that forces you to choose methane is its relatively low cost. Although there is something to complain about for this reason. Of course, the drug itself is easy enough for anyone to buy. Its cost (monthly course) varies from 6 to 12 US dollars. However, do not forget about further consequences. After all, after taking methane, a course of rehabilitation therapy is required. Don't forget about this. After taking an anabolic steroid, you need to take care of your liver, which will cost about 30-40 US dollars. And to maintain the muscle mass gained, you will have to spend additional money on potassium and calcium supplements. These restoration measures should never be neglected, otherwise further studies may be unnecessary... So consider it - double math, so to speak.
  3. The third reason for taking methane is its prevalence. Information is secretly distributed in rocking chairs, sports clubs, gyms, fitness sections, and is transmitted along the chain - the effect of the so-called “Word of Mouth”. Someone tried it and immediately recommended it to another, experienced bodybuilders recommend it to beginners, and so on. But, for a green beginner who sees the simulator for the first time, this option is not only not good and simple, but completely wrong and even dangerous! But all these problems boil down to a banal lack of information on this issue, a certain closeness of this topic. Properly interpreted concepts and reliably provided information about the effects of methane on the body would seriously enlighten all new chemists on this issue. Thus, helping them avoid a huge number of standard common mistakes.

Protect yourself!

The very first thing you need to do before taking a course of this drug is to get tested and talk to your doctor. This is extremely important, because before and after the course you need to compare your indicators, and in case of serious deviations you will have to take certain medications that will normalize the condition of your body. We categorically do not recommend using anabolic steroids without prior consultation - it is imperative that you be “led along this path” by an experienced specialist with a wealth of knowledge in sports pharmacology. Also, from the very beginning, be prepared for a possible bunch of side effects that may arise when using the drug. However, there is no need to despair ahead of time, all side effects are controlled by means after a course of therapy, which we will definitely tell you about later...

Well, let's look at all the details and nuances of using methane. But, first of all, I would like to add an opinion about the modern possibility of chemically building muscle mass in some other way than using such an obsolete drug as methandrostenolone. Humanity does not stand still, but is constantly evolving, just like pharmacology. It is worth refraining from using this anabolic steroid, if only because of the antiquity of its origin. After all, the history of its creation has already crossed the half-century mark. Advances in the field of pharmacology have made significant strides forward. Therefore, the use of tableted steroid drugs such as Anadrol, Primobolan, Stanazolol, methyltestosterone, halotestin and methane is simply an unjustified and thoughtless act. If the use of these drugs causes serious health complications for you, such as a damaged liver or stomach, no amount of pumped up muscle mass will replace it for you and will not compensate for the costs of restoring vital organs... In case your desire to “chemically” is firm and unshakable , opt for, for example, Andriol - the degree of risk when using it is several times lower.

The use of methane and important points...

If all our arguments have not influenced you, and the need to use such a drug as methane on yourself has not disappeared, then it is simply vital to know a few simple rules for its competent use. So, the first of them: Dosages when taken should not follow the principle of a pyramid, i.e. periodically increasing the dosage over time. This mode is not effective. During the first time of use, you will naturally see and feel the results. However, in the future, such a use will simply cause the body to get used to this steroid, and the effectiveness of the actions will simply be in jeopardy. This can be compared to the method of addiction to poison used in ancient times. And in the case of methane, all you will achieve is headaches and excess accumulated fluid in the body. In a toga, you will simply be forced to give it up, wasting your strength and resources, risking your health, and not achieving the desired result.

Our long-term studies have shown that the doses of methane taken should be constant in size, and the dosage regimen is determined by the biological rhythm of the body. Therefore, the time frame for taking it is: in the morning from 6 to 9 o'clock, in the evening - from 17 to 21. This is due to the highest content of the hormone testosterone in male blood. Well, if you are faced with the problem of an inconsistent daily routine, caused, for example, by shift work, then you simply need consultation with specialists and, together with them, the development of the correct individual regime for the use of methane.

As mentioned earlier, methane affects human hormonal levels. Hence the connection to the biological rhythm. This makes it possible to enhance the effect of the drug used in combination with the hormonal capabilities of the body. Taking an anabolic drug twice a day may initially not be as effective as the more common method of dosing 3 or 4 times a day. However, the two-time scheme is more natural. And frequent use can cause the above-described addiction to the drug. The point of continuing to take it will be lost in just a week.

If you require a more impressive effect, then it is better to combine methandrostenolone with other anabolic drugs. Its action in combination with oral or injectable steroids will give maximum results. It has been proven that the optimal duration of one methane course should not be more than 6-8 weeks. There is no longer any point in taking it any longer, because the body begins to adapt to artificially obtained testosterone and synthesizes less of its own natural...

The first course of methane and its correct dosage

When asking about dosages, you should never forget the individual characteristics of the body. In general, the most optimal dose would be 4-5 tablets, which is 20-25 milligrams of the drug. The course of treatment should last no more than a month, optimally three to four weeks. During this period, your body will not have time to get used to it, and the effectiveness will be at its maximum level, while the side effects will not be so noticeable. After a course of anabolic steroids, you simply need to take a break and take care of liver rehabilitation.

When starting to take it, or more correctly, when making a decision to start taking it, it is simply vital to thoroughly study all the information about this drug. The already mentioned trivial ignorance and lack of information give rise to many myths about methane intake. Moreover, not all of them are insignificant, and can significantly harm health.

Methane for muscles side effects and common myths about methane:

Let's start with the myths about this drug...

  1. Firstly, methane should not be swallowed, it must be absorbed. Those who think that when chewed or absorbed, it enters the bloodstream through the vessels located in the oral cavity and thus does not harm the liver, are simply mistaken. Since the liver is a human filter through which blood will pass in any case. And the optimality of this method is simply due to the fact that in this case the concentration of the drug will be greater. When the tablet enters the stomach, part of the substance is simply destroyed due to the effects of gastric juice. But when the tablet is absorbed, our blood is enriched with the desired substance. But the harm to the liver, unfortunately, is the same - swallow it if you want, or dissolve it if you want.
  2. There is an opinion that methane must be dissolved in a small amount of vegetable oil and consumed that way. They say that then the drug will enter the blood not from the stomach, but from the intestines. However, the argument is still the same. All blood passes through the liver and the consequences of this cannot be avoided. True, vegetable oil can to some extent prevent the corrosion of the components of the anabolic substance by gastric juices. This is perhaps the only argument in favor of this method of administration.
  3. Another myth that exists when taking the drug is when it should be taken before and after meals. Many chemist athletes believe that they need to take the pills before meals, but if any abdominal pain occurs, then they need to take the drug with food at the same time. Attention! This is complete nonsense and delusion! If taking a steroid leads to pain, it is urgently necessary to completely eliminate it! A pain reaction is a signal from the body about possible negative consequences. And taking methane simultaneously with food simply delays the moment of its absorption into the blood.

Side effects:

Due to the massive intake of artificial testosterone into the body, the production of natural testosterone gradually ceases. There is a disruption of internal hormonal levels. And if you take it in quantities significantly greater than the recommended dose, you may well experience a number of possible side effects. The most common are: gynecomastia, excessive flooding with water, skin issues: pimples, blackheads, acne and others... However, all side effects are kept under control with the help of PCT - the so-called after course therapy, more about it later...

After course therapy.

After a course of rehabilitation, it is necessary to minimize the number of possible side effects, as well as cleanse the liver, and prevent a strong rebound. Rollback is when, after stopping taking the drug, you begin to lose the achieved results in mass, volume or strength... Just like a person who has stopped playing sports also loses his previous indicators, and his muscle mass, definition and volume gradually decrease...

If you feel excessively flooded with water, it means that testosterone is being modified into estrogen. Anastrozole will help you, which we recommend starting to use halfway through the course...

To prevent gynecomastia, take tamoxifen, more about it in our next article in this section..

At the end of the course, we recommend Clomid or, again, tamoxifen - these drugs cleanse the liver and normalize hormonal levels.

With proper nutrition and following all the rules, in one methane course you can gain about 6-8 kg in 6-8 weeks. In our opinion, an excellent result! But you need to constantly monitor your condition, the main rule: do no harm! If you follow all the recommendations and under the wing of the “Skilled Chemist”, you will be able to achieve impressive results without much harm to your body. Well, if you notice even minor deterioration, refrain from taking it, at least for a while, your health is more important! Observe for a while, you can always repeat the course if you wish...

Main conclusions

Let's summarize. If the desire to take methandrostenolone is great and unshakable, first of all, thoroughly and completely study all the necessary information. Don't limit yourself to the stories of the guys in the gym. Avoid taking the drug according to the pyramid principle, it will cause addiction and no results, but only the presence of side effects. Optimal intake: twice a day, morning and evening, 20-25 milligrams in combination with sufficient protein nutrition and high-quality work with “iron” and on exercise machines. The course of treatment should not exceed three to four weeks. After this, a course to restore liver function is simply necessary.

And lastly: It is important to understand that this article is in no way a call for the use of anabolic drugs. We have given only some recommendations for taking methane, so to speak, for purely informational purposes, just for information. And anyone who plans to practically use this information should know that he places all the risk and all responsibility for the likely consequences only on himself personally.

Contents and Article Navigation:

Introduction. What is methane?

The philistine view.

Methane tablets and history.

Methane from baldness.

Reasons for choosing methane.

Modern similar drugs.

Application of methane. Nuances.

First course of methane.

Methane for muscles side effects.

Conclusion and conclusions.

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