Depression can be detected by blood test

Scientists from Chicago have learned to detect depression at an early stage using a blood test.

Many people, especially children and adolescents, may hide or not even realize that their constant depressed state is depression. That's why researchers from Chicago decided to introduce a new practice - diagnosing depression based not on the patient's confessions, but on a blood test.

This will help identify depression at an early stage and prescribe rational treatment. It is known that about 5% of the planet’s children, as well as 10-20% of teenagers, suffer from this mental disorder, but do not always find the strength to admit it to adults. Thanks to a blood test, an unpleasant conversation can be avoided.

Scientists conducted a study in which they recruited 14 healthy teenagers and 14 children diagnosed with depression. All participants in the experiment had their blood taken for analysis and the biological markers of depression were carefully studied (26 in total). As a result of the experiment, 11 such markers were identified.

As the researchers report, "Biological blood markers provide objective data that can support verbal information received from the patient and improve the accuracy of the diagnosis. Diagnosis and classification of early depressive disorder would help expand the arsenal of treatment options and select individual therapy."

Based on materials from prepared by Irina Zhuchenko
