Get a great figure in 15 minutes a day. Bodyflex.

The BodyFlex program was created by the American Greer Childers. Bodyflex is similar to morning exercises. These exercises are perfect for women with a low level of physical activity.

  1. "A LION". This exercise trains not only the body, but also the face and neck. Initial pose: standing pose, legs 30-35 cm wide, hands resting with your palms on your legs 2.5 cm above your knees (as if you are about to sit down). Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach and take the main pose. Basic pose: designed to work on the face, cheeks, under-eye area, wrinkles around the mouth and nose. It is taken from the yoga "lion pose", but is done slightly differently. Gather your lips into a small circle. Now open your eyes very wide and lift them (this is how you tighten the muscles under the eyes). At the same time, lower the circle of your lips down (tightening your cheeks and nasal area) and stick your tongue out to the limit (this works on the area under the chin and neck), without relaxing your lips. Hold this pose for eight counts. The pose is performed five times.

Gymnastics is based on a combination of deep breathing with exercises to increase flexibility and strengthen major muscle groups.

The program contains 12 exercises that must be performed before breakfast, for 15 minutes, every day. According to the recommendation of Greer Childers, the program should be performed on an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of liquid (juice, water, tea).

The proposed exercises are of a healing nature, and when performed every day, they will help to slightly strengthen the muscles of the thighs, improve joint mobility and elasticity of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The value of the program lies in its simplicity and short duration.

6 exercises for a sexy body

The program uses isotonic, isometric, and stretching breathing exercises to tone muscles while burning fat. Isometric exercises tighten one muscle group relative to another group or a stationary object. Isotonic exercises use the body's own resistance.

It is important to remember how five-stage breathing is performed: exhale, inhale, exhale strongly, hold your breath, lower your head (if the exercises are not done lying down), pull in your stomach - and as soon as you pull in your stomach, you should immediately take the desired position, holding your breath and remaining in this pose for 8-10 counts.

"Bodyflex" can be changed, simplified, complicated. Even just doing breathing exercises will make you more energetic.

To increase the effectiveness of the program, it can be performed 2 times a day. The first in the morning, and the second in the evening - before dinner, but on the condition that you have not eaten anything for 2 hours before.


The initial pose (the easiest way to learn how to breathe correctly) is with your feet 30-35 centimeters wide, hands resting with your palms two and a half centimeters above your knees (as if you want to sit down). Look straight ahead.

Five stages of breathing

  1. Exhale all the air from your lungs through your mouth.

  2. Inhale quickly through your nose.

  3. Exhale all the air through your mouth.

  4. Hold your breath and pull your stomach in for eight to ten counts.

  5. Relax and breathe.

Let's summarize: exhale - inhale - exhale - hold your breath - inhale.

When performing exercises, you may experience dizziness. If the dizziness is very severe or does not stop, stop.

When you first start doing BodyDex, you may experience shortness of breath in the middle of a fifteen-minute routine. This is also completely normal. Keep practicing to build up your strength and endurance, and soon you'll be able to do the entire routine without stopping.

The optimal time to perform Bodyflex is in the morning on an empty stomach. In any case (even if you do exercises during the day or in the evening), try not to eat food before starting exercise (for 2-3 hours). Last appointment