How Interval Training Works

The gym offers us thousands of different exercises and fitness programs, but they all require a lot of time. How to keep yourself in shape if you have little time for sports? Interval training can help you!

Interval training is high-intensity training in which complex exercises are performed at an active pace in turns. Each interval lasts about 5 minutes and consists of jumping jacks, push-ups, running in place, abdominal exercises and a short rest. This training method does not allow the body to get used to certain types of loads and allows you to achieve maximum results in a short time.

The essence of interval training is to work at the limit of the body's capabilities; it is under such conditions that the heart rate is kept at a level of at least 130 beats per minute, which is an ideal indicator for maximum calorie burning. Exercises are done for a while with a timer, without pauses or stops.

Such training is suitable for people who do not have time for full-fledged sports 4-5 times a week; the interval training technique allows you to achieve visible results with 30-minute sessions in just 2-3 sessions a week. But keep in mind that such loads are not for beginners; they require a certain level of physical fitness.

The most popular interval training systems: the Tabatta protocol, the Waldemar Gerschler method, fartlek and fit mix, you can easily find descriptions of exercises and videos on the Internet.