The role of water for our health

Any person, of course, wants to be beautiful and everyone puts their own spin on this concept. But does everyone know that to stay in good shape, just sports training, healthy eating and trips to beauty salons are not enough? The key to beauty is also a sufficient amount of water in the body. When there is a lack of water, the body begins to replenish it with fluid from body tissues, which harms all our organs.

As you know, the adult human body consists of up to 70% water. The loss of only a few percent of water in the body negatively affects a person’s performance, and the loss of 15-20% of water can even lead to death. That is why it is so important to restore a sufficient amount of fluid in the body in a timely manner. To maintain the normal functioning of all internal organs, an adult needs to drink at least 2 liters of water per day (30-40 grams per 1 kilogram of weight), and during active training this figure increases significantly.

The amount of water you drink plays an important role, but the quality of the water is much more important for maintaining your health. Only by drinking crystal clear water can you be sure that you are receiving only benefits, without causing harm to your body.

Modern technologies offer a wide range of water purification systems for home use. Today, the best systems are those based on reverse osmosis. Only they can guarantee the removal of all harmful chemical compounds, organic contaminants and inorganic impurities, including bacteria and viruses.

Thanks to advanced water purification systems from Zepter International, we can drink clean, healthy water, just as nature intended.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of water in our lives. Do you have a few minutes and half a glass of water for yourself?

Drink healthily - live longer! Zepter water purification systems change the quality of your drinking water - and the quality of your life! Just drink and enjoy!