How to return to work after the holidays

Post-holiday depression syndrome is known to almost every working person.

The mechanism of its occurrence is quite simple, but its course and consequences can result in nervous breakdowns and apathy for many. Therefore, it is better to learn now about the impending post-New Year “epidemic” of blues and stress, rather than face its negative consequences.

The reason is adaptation

Most people spend the New Year holidays or holidays with their family. A special New Year's menu consisting of high-calorie food and all kinds of drinks, communication with loved ones makes a person relax, forget about all problems, slow down his reactions and... adapt to such a “passive” lifestyle. Therefore, the main reason for the occurrence of post-holiday depression is complete adaptation to a new, and you agree, to a more pleasant pastime. That is: only after getting used to a relaxed lifestyle, a person is forced to return to radically opposite working circumstances. As a result of such a sharp return to “life,” so-called post-holiday depression occurs.

Mode, only mode!

It's no surprise that your usual routine has shifted far from normal during the holidays. After all, evening feasts, parties and gatherings with loved ones could drag on until late at night. Therefore, in order not to simply oversleep your first trip to work after the winter holidays, in the last days before work, force yourself to go to bed at the same time.


Also try to adhere to a certain diet on the eve of going to work, the main rule of which is abstinence. You should not continue to “load” your body with high-calorie foods and strong alcoholic drinks. Therefore, green tea with lemon, a spoon of honey and fermented milk products are what you need to tone up. This way you will force the lazy gastrointestinal tract to work again in its usual rhythm. If your liver and pancreas were significantly damaged during the New Year's feasts, then you will have to remove toxins from the body with the help of special absorbents, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Some of them can also be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription.


Oddly enough, nothing motivates many women to go back to work after the holidays more than the desire to show off their new clothes, in particular in their wardrobe. Therefore, if you managed to save a little during the New Year holidays, go shopping, which will miraculously return you to the desire to go to work.

Remember the past

In order to have a positive attitude towards going back to work, psychologists advise remembering all your achievements over the past year. After all, pleasant memories can charge you with positive energy and become a good incentive for new victories. Therefore, motivation to work can arise in the process of such memories.

Remember: your first working day after the holidays should not start in a hurry. Therefore, when you come to the office, you should not take on several things at once. It is better to gradually get involved in work so that the still dormant body does not receive a lethal dose of stress. Don't be afraid to deviate from your time management by talking to colleagues. On the contrary, throw out all your impressions and once again recharge with positive emotions from your own words. And then you will be able to resolve all work issues with the help of a good mood, which will quickly activate your business skills. Good luck!