How to fight the blues: acupuncture

If you still can’t get into the New Year’s mood and give up, there is a way out! Acupuncture (acupuncture) will help in the fight against blues. We asked neurologist and reflexologist of the highest category Igor Dovgoy to tell us how this method works in the fight against blues.

Blues – aka: boredom, melancholy, despondency, loss of spirit, gloom, spleen, melancholy, depression... Milder medical definitions: chronic fatigue syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenic syndrome, “couch plague of the 21st century”, “infection of the wealthy of people". The names are different - the essence is the same: debilitating weakness, fatigue that does not go away after rest, unusual headache, sleep disturbance (insomnia or drowsiness), pain (especially in the muscles, joints or throat), memory loss, irritation with bright light.

Acupuncture can be very helpful in the fight against blues. This is the introduction of special needles into biologically active points in order to improve blood circulation, or relax muscles and stimulate nerves. There are more than 700 points on the human body through which “vital energy” circulates. And by influencing the points, you can regulate it. Acupuncture “revitalizes” proper energy production and stimulates the formation of basic biologically active substances. Accordingly, the body begins to work correctly.

By the way, acupuncture can be replaced with acupressure, especially at the beginning of the disease. You can seek help from a reflexologist, a qualified massage therapist, or sometimes do a massage yourself. But to do this, you first need to study the location of vital points on the human body.