How to cope with spring vitamin deficiency

Avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis are constant companions of spring. Lack of vitamins affects both appearance and performance. Women have a particularly hard time, because on the one hand, after winter, they want to get their figure in order, on the other hand, there is a spring shortage of vitamins and the time of fasting. In such a situation, it is important to properly adjust your diet.

Vitamin deficiency is a painful condition resulting from insufficient intake of essential vitamins into the body for a sufficiently long time. Sometimes a person lacks only one vitamin - this is vitamin deficiency. And sometimes there is a lack of several important vitamins in the body at once - in this case we are talking about hypovitaminosis. It is in the spring that people are most susceptible to vitamin deficiency. This is usually caused by the fact that during the cold season the food contains few vitamins and microelements.


A person suffering from spring vitamin deficiency usually complains of drowsiness, increased irritability and chronic fatigue. Externally, vitamin deficiency can manifest itself in the form of pimples and blackheads, dull and weak hair, chapped lips, brittle nails and dry skin. If such symptoms appear, it is best to immediately consult a physician. It is also recommended to enrich your diet with foods containing large amounts of vitamins and take multivitamin preparations.


Taking multiamine complexes is the simplest thing that can be done in this situation. If you took the time and visited a doctor who recommended what exactly you should take, then you did everything right. If you are self-medicating, then know that an excess of vitamins is no less harmful to the body than their absence.

You need to be especially careful with fat-soluble vitamins. Their excess in the body can provoke hypervitaminosis or vitamin poisoning. The fact is that these vitamins are not excreted from the body. With prolonged use and large doses, acute or chronic poisoning develops.

Water-soluble vitamins are less dangerous. However, it must be remembered that vitamins are chemicals. Pay attention to the word “acid” contained in their full name. Consequently, when they are used in excess, like any other (sulfuric, hydrochloric, acetic, citric) acids, a violation of the acid-base composition of the internal environment of the body occurs.

Other ways to combat vitamin deficiency


  1. alcohol, since vitamins A, C, D and most B vitamins are poorly absorbed with it. Those who smoke should pay attention to vitamin C and B12;

  2. any fast food (but this also applies to any other time of the year);

  3. products with excessive amounts of preservatives, containing trans fats, subjected to severe heat treatment.

Main signs of vitamin deficiency


  1. products with minimal heat treatment. This could be unpolished rice, unrefined vegetable oil, wholemeal bread, meat instead of sausages;

  2. vegetables, herbs, sauerkraut, citrus fruits and pomegranates. It is advisable to grow greens on your own windowsill, and freeze vegetables and berries in the fall;

  3. nuts, seeds, dried fruits, honey. They can be used separately from each other, or together. If you add lemon juice to the mixture, you will get one of the best remedies for anemia;

  4. sprouted grains, soybean sprouts;

  5. chocolate and bananas, which are rich in serotonin - the hormone of joy, which is especially necessary during spring mood swings;

  6. multivitamin complex (it is advisable to consult your doctor first).

Proper nutrition is well complemented with various healthy drinks. Herbal teas, decoctions of rose hips, dried blueberries, and viburnum are perfect.


You should start your morning by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach along with a spoonful of honey.