Why some of us find it harder to exercise

On April 6th every year we celebrate International Sports Day, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 2013. On this day, many people again think about physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. But why is it so difficult for some of us to exercise and keep our bodies in shape?

Social psychologist Emily Balsetis conducted a study to understand why some people are more likely to be physically inactive than others. She concluded that this may be due to the fact that some people feel more tired and difficult to exercise, and therefore find it difficult to maintain regular physical activity.

One reason for this may be that these people have a higher threshold for physical fatigue. That is, they need to put in more effort to overcome body resistance and move forward. This may be due to various physiological factors, such as lower energy levels in the body or a slower metabolism.

Also, as Emily Balsetis notes, physical activity can make people feel uncomfortable and anxious. Some people may feel fearful about exercising due to lack of confidence in their abilities or fear that they may appear inept or awkward during the exercise.

What to do if you encounter such difficulties? Emily Balsetis offers some tips. First, she advises starting small and gradually increasing the load. Secondly, you can find a sporting activity that you really enjoy and enjoy. This could be anything from yoga to dancing or swimming. Third, you can find a training partner who will support you and help you overcome challenges.

Finally, don't forget that exercise not only helps you stay physically fit, but also improves your mental health and mood. Physical activity helps relieve stress, improve concentration and increase energy levels. So, let fear and laziness not be an obstacle to a healthy and active life!