How to Know When You Need to Calm Down

Do you suffer from insomnia and nervous tics? Do you sometimes lash out at others or cry for no reason? All this is the consequences of chronic stress that needs to be dealt with. And in some situations even with the help of sedatives. And today we will tell you what these situations are!

If you are not just often nervous, but it manifests itself in the form of physical symptoms that do not go away, then it’s time to go to the doctor. There is nothing scary or shameful about being examined by a psychiatrist or neurologist. The amount of stress that accompanies a modern person in life can lead to serious diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, sleep disorders, and thyroid diseases.

To prevent this from happening, listen carefully to your body. There are a number of situations in which you need to take sedatives. But remember that such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration can worsen the situation and aggravate the negative manifestations of the nervous system.

Chronic insomnia

We have already written about how to cope with insomnia using traditional methods. But if nothing helps you, and night vigils have become the norm, you need to consult a doctor. Chronic lack of sleep weakens the body, reduces productivity and slows metabolism.

Manager syndrome

This is a state of constant nervous tension when you cannot relax for a second. Working long hours with constant deadlines and strict deadlines puts a person into a state of nervous spasm (similar to muscle spasm). It is a debilitating condition that can lead to severe depression. If you feel constantly nervous, don’t want to communicate with people, don’t go out on weekends, are angry with yourself and those around you, it’s time to go to the doctor for sedatives.

Regular stress

If your work is inherently associated with stressful situations, you need to protect your body in advance. Light sedatives (can be natural) will help you not to take critical situations to heart. They will give you the opportunity to abstract yourself and be guided by logic rather than emotions when making decisions.


In recent years, weather changes have been one of the most common causes of illness among office workers. People with low blood pressure and vegetative-vascular dystonia are hypersensitive to weather fluctuations. This condition is accompanied by insomnia, pain in the limbs and head, nervousness, anxiety and irritability. Sedatives will help the body cope with this.

Premenstrual syndrome

It is generally accepted that during this period all women turn into furies and destroy everything in their path. In fact, this behavior occurs in about 30% of women and is a symptom of severe premenstrual syndrome. There is no need to attribute everything to a lousy character; during exacerbations of a nervous condition during PMS, doctors recommend taking small doses of sedatives.

It is important to know that if at your appointment the doctor prescribes sedatives for you, but at the same time recommends further examination, you should not ignore these recommendations. Sedatives are not the primary treatment for most cases of nervous disorders. They just relieve symptoms and help you cope better with stressful situations. And the reason for such reactions can be much deeper in the body, and you need to work with it, and not with the symptoms.