Is it possible to get rid of cellulite in the gym?

Do you know that in addition to purely external factors, cellulite also causes poor circulation, blood stagnation, stiffness and lack of movement, as well as hormonal imbalance and many other problems? Sports or diet alone will not be able to cope with this scourge. It is especially difficult to normalize hormonal levels, and is it possible to get rid of cellulite in the gym if you continue to eat fast food, do not get enough sleep, and ignore vitamins, fruits and vegetables? An integrated approach to the fight against fat deposits includes intense work in the gym, adherence to a diet, daily routine, and full recovery - this is how you can get rid of the unattractive orange peel that all modern women hate so much...

  1. How to normalize the synthesis of growth hormone with movement?
  2. The influence of anaerobic loads.
  3. Features of the exercises.

How to normalize the synthesis of growth hormone with movement?

Excessive synthesis and accumulation of fat with the subsequent formation of cellulite occurs when there is an imbalance of many hormones, the most important of which are estrogens, insulin, cortisol, adrenaline, and growth hormone. Disruption of any of them causes a cascade of changes in metabolism with the most unpredictable consequences. One of the most important is growth hormone. With age, its secretion decreases; its decrease is also noted with lack of sleep.

Somatotropin deficiency is accompanied by a decrease in muscle mass, an increase in fat mass, and the formation of a so-called orange peel on the skin. Natural stimulation of somatotropin through physical activity will help get rid of cellulite. Cardio load directly affects its synthesis. After just 15 minutes of aerobic exercise, an increase in the concentration of growth hormone is observed. Strength anaerobic exercises are of particular importance for stimulating natural synthesis.

The influence of anaerobic loads.

Work in the gym stimulates the production of growth hormone. Significant power loads can increase the rate of somatotropin formation. To achieve results, the program must include:

  1. energy-intensive exercises for large muscle groups;
  2. exercises with medium weights;
  3. thoughtful rest intervals.

The interval between approaches is 1 minute. Not everyone performs this step flawlessly, but is it possible to say goodbye to cellulite if, instead of doing the next exercise, you sit comfortably in the gym with a laptop and leave the real world for 15 minutes? This mistake is common, as are problems caused by poor diet. It will not be possible to get rid of the problem in question unless you adjust your diet. The main basic exercises that involve a large number of muscles:

  1. bench press;
  2. squats;
  3. deadlift.

Exercises have contraindications, such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and high blood pressure. If there are no such diseases, then you can include these exercises in your regular workout in the gym. They need to be alternated, performing only one of them in a particular lesson.

There is an opinion that strength exercises can not only get rid of orange peel, but pump up your legs. To avoid this, it is very important to choose the right weight. The working weight should not be maximum; exercises should be performed with average weights. You can entrust the choice of weight to the trainer, having previously explained to him that the goal of the classes is to say goodbye to cellulite, and not to participate in a bodybuilding competition at all. Deadlifting can be difficult in case of knee diseases and initial manifestations of varicose veins. Deadlifts can be replaced with hyperextension, squats with a platform press or work in a hack machine.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise will definitely help get rid of cellulite and achieve smooth, smooth skin without the characteristic “orange” pits and mounds. To do this, we must not forget about a balanced diet; the longest and most intense workouts in the gym will not be able to withstand an excessive, uncontrolled appetite. Never forget this!

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