Blood pressure measurement

Blood pressure (BP) is an indicator of the functioning of the cardiovascular system (CVS) and is measured using a sphygmomanometer. The procedure for measuring blood pressure consists of attaching a rubber cuff to the shoulder a couple of centimeters above the elbow. Then, using an elastic bulb, air is pumped into it, and a phonendoscope is installed on the ulnar artery (usually in the area of ​​the elbow bend).

When air is deflated from the “cushion,” the air pressure in it drops, and when blood enters the brachial artery, the first pulse tone is heard. Having fixed the pressure level on the sphygmomanometer scale, we obtain the value of the maximum systolic pressure. Continuing to gradually reduce the level of pressure in the cuff, we will detect the disappearance of pulse tones and, based on the level of this pressure, we will determine the lowest diastolic blood pressure.

An important point: when measuring blood pressure, you should focus only on sound tones, without paying attention to fluctuations in the mercury column. Sometimes, even when the pressure in the cuff drops to zero, beats are still heard, which is explained by a decrease in vascular tone.

Athletes with large muscle mass should take into account that the volume of the forearm can affect the value of blood pressure. It has been noted that blood pressure values ​​measured by direct (when the sensor is inserted directly into the artery) and, accordingly, indirect (classical) methods practically coincide when the arm circumference is equal to [27-30] cm. When measuring blood pressure in a patient with a larger circumference, the auditory method will give the results are overestimated, and those with less results are correspondingly underestimated.

How to determine whether your blood pressure is normal or not?

Blood pressure levels are influenced by a wide range of factors. Of course, first of all: height and weight, age, general health, heart rate, diet and daily routine, lifestyle and bad habits, participation in one or another type of activity, sports activity and its type, as well as its frequency and intensity...

In addition to the above factors, pressure can also change during the day, so it is better to measure it at the same selected time. The normal systolic pressure is within the range of [10-15] mmHg, respectively, diastolic pressure is [5-10]. In athletes (especially bodybuilders), elevated blood pressure is observed more often than in people who do not engage in sports, which can be explained by high physical and emotional stress during sports activities.

Among scientists and medical experts there is still no consensus on the range of blood pressure norms for individuals with different physical activity.

It has been established that gender differences have a slight effect on blood pressure, while the influence of age can be seen quite clearly. The relationship between blood pressure and age can be described by the equations:

Formulas for calculating normal blood pressure levels:

1. Systolic blood pressure = 1.7 x Your Age + 83

2. Diastolic blood pressure = 1.6 x Your Age + 42

3. Systolic blood pressure = 0.4 x Your Age +109

4. Diastolic blood pressure = 0.3 x Your Age + 67

Using these formulas, you can calculate the approximate normal blood pressure for your age. Of course, these are not 100% accurate indicators, because everything depends on the individual characteristics of your particular body.

And finally, I would like to say - remember, keeping track of blood pressure indicators when engaging in such heavy sports as arm wrestling, bodybuilding, and even more so powerlifting is simply vital. Without controlling and starting this moment, you can “put yourself in the grave” at an early age - in the worst case, and live the rest of your life on pills with constant headaches and forgetting about the gym forever - in the best. Remember: having seriously undermined your health, you will no longer care about the external beauty of your body, so hurry up slowly, do everything thoughtfully, regularly take measurements and keep the most important indicators of your health under constant control! Good luck to you in iron sports!

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