Sad songs cure melancholy

Sadness and melancholy are inevitable states that periodically visit each of us. They can be caused by various reasons: the loss of a loved one, divorce, failure in personal or professional life. But what to do when the sadness becomes unbearable?

A group of psychologists from the USA, South Korea and Brazil conducted a series of studies to find out what methods help people cope with sadness. And their conclusions were unexpected: it turned out that sadness and melancholy are treated with the help of the same sad songs.

Minor melodies in depression or melancholy are perceived as empathy and attention. And the more tragic and sad the composition, the more effective it is on the person who is sad. This happens because sad songs act on a person as friendly support. They allow you to experience your emotions, express them and realize that you are not alone in your experiences.

In particular, scientists suggested listening to sad melodies for those experiencing family drama, separation from a loved one, or other personal losses. This approach helps people cope with sadness and begin recovery from difficult experiences.

Of course, sad songs are not a one-size-fits-all solution for all people and all situations. But they can be a useful tool in treating sadness and depression. The main thing is to find the music that will help you cope with your painful emotions and give you hope for the future.