Fitness in the office: the best exercises

Nowadays, many of us spend most of the day at the workplace, sitting at the computer and moving little. This can lead to various health problems such as scoliosis, muscle pain and even obesity. However, not everything is so sad, and there are many exercises that you can do right at your workplace and keep your body in shape.

Exercise 1: Torso Rotation

This exercise will help strengthen your lower back muscles and make your waist slimmer. While sitting in a chair, grab the edge of the tabletop closest to you and bend your legs, squeezing them together. Raise your legs slightly above the floor and begin to rotate your lower body left and right. Repeat the exercise 40 times. Remember to keep your shoulders and head still.

Exercise 2: Chair push-ups

This exercise will help strengthen your arm muscles and especially your triceps. While sitting on a chair, move slightly away from the table and rest your hands on the armrests of the chair. Raise your pelvis slightly and begin doing push-ups from the chair, bending your elbows. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 3: Leg Raises

This exercise will help pump up your abs. Sit on a chair, resting your hands on the seat. Bend your knees at right angles to the floor and begin to pull your legs towards your stomach. Do 20 repetitions.

Exercise 4: Knee extension and reduction

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the thigh muscles. While sitting on a chair, rest your palms well on the seat. Place your palms at the middle of your thighs. Begin to spread your knees, straining your legs as much as possible, while your arms act as resistance. Hold your knees apart for 5-7 minutes, then bring your legs back together. Repeat the exercise 20 times. To strengthen your inner thighs, place your hands clenched into fists between your knees at mid-thigh level and squeeze your knees together. Repeat the exercise 20 times. To warm up the front of your thighs, alternately straighten your left and right legs so that your legs are parallel to the floor.

Exercise 5: Leg Raises

This exercise will help strengthen your calf muscles. Raise your right leg, pointing your heel toward the ceiling. Hold your leg in this position for 5-7 seconds, then lower and repeat the exercise on your left leg. Do 20 repetitions on each leg.

These exercises will help you keep your body fit even while working. They won't take much time, but will have a good effect if you do them regularly. Remember to also take breaks and stretch every hour to avoid muscle strain and improve blood circulation.