My back hurts. What to do?

A healthy back rarely reminds you of itself. Pain is the first signal that something is wrong with it. Pay attention to your spine every day, without waiting until it hurts! You will need very little time and effort for this, and you will feel the result very soon!

As a rule, osteochondrosis affects people who constantly work in an uncomfortable position, lift heavy objects, and also have congenital or acquired curvatures of the spine. Comfort and coziness, and most importantly, a sedentary lifestyle also do us a disservice. As a result, today 80% of the adult population suffers from osteochondrosis.

It is especially alarming that degenerative-dystrophic changes in intervertebral discs begin in young people at the age of 25-30, and are also becoming more common in children.

Is it possible to get rid of osteochondrosis forever or at least reduce suffering? Yes, but to do this you need to learn to listen to your body in order to help it cope with difficulties at the right time.

Our spine is a very reliable structure, designed by nature for movement, and every joint, even the smallest one, loves to work. Inactive vertebrae, as well as those that constantly receive excessive stress (for example, if you sit at a computer or in a car all day, lift heavy objects, or work while bending over), lose their mobility over time.

Discomfort occurs in the back, which is then accompanied by pain. And then malfunctions in the functioning of the whole body begin: posture changes, muscles, ligaments and internal organs suffer.

Help your spine! Start with the basics: simple exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments.

We usually associate dizziness and headaches, pain in the arms, and sometimes even decreased hearing or blurred vision with problems with the heart or brain, geomagnetic storms or other factors. But often this is not the reason: it lies in problems in the cervical spine.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, massage, ointments, rubbing, and physical therapy are used. To prevent exacerbations - self-massage, self-correction and special exercises that need to be performed regularly.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, slowly stretch 2-3 times, turning your torso, until you feel a crunch in all your bones.
  2. Stretch your arms along your torso and stretch your heels and crown to the edges of the bed (3-5 times).
  3. Stand up straight and try to “push” the floor with your heels and “reach” the ceiling with your head. This exercise can be performed anywhere and anytime: on the street, in transport, at work. It is very beneficial for the entire spine.
  4. Smoothly tilting your head alternately in different directions, try to reach your ear to your shoulder (5-6 times).
  5. Slowly turn your head left and right (5-6 times). The body remains motionless.

Attention! Manipulation of the cervical spine requires great care and caution, so it should be performed by an experienced and knowledgeable chiropractor. Amateur activity is unacceptable!

If you experience back pain from time to time or constantly, do not wait until the situation becomes unmanageable. Behave with your back correctly, and it will not give you any trouble.

Educational program for sufferers

  1. Do hard homework gradually, in parts and - most importantly - correctly!

  2. Bend over less, do not lift weights on straight legs, often change your body position and take breaks, during which you do stretching and smooth turns of your torso in a lying position (on a hard surface), sagging on the bar (jump off softly!).

  3. If you have to lift weights, wear a special corset or wrap yourself with thick fabric.

  4. Sleep on a moderately firm bed. For pain in the neck area - on the back and without a pillow or with a small (40 x 80 cm) soft pillow, which can be folded in half or three times in the form of a cushion under the neck