Umbilical cord blood in Kyiv – child health insurance for life

Pregnancy is a happy and amazing period in a woman’s life. At this time, for a tiny man, his mother is the whole world, cozy and safe. For nine whole months they are tightly connected by the umbilical cord; it is with its help that the baby receives oxygen, vitamins and minerals from the outside world. The fact that the umbilical cord represents valuable biological material even after the birth of a child was established not so long ago - in the 70s of the last century. In umbilical cord blood, scientists have discovered invaluable stem cells with unique abilities to reproduce and divide.

Stem cells are a kind of “gold reserve” of our body - these are cells that can potentially transform (differentiate) into any other cells and tissues of the body. Stem cells play the greatest role in the reconstruction of new blood cells and specialized cells of body tissues, for example, liver cells, brain cells, and nervous tissue. Introduced into the blood, in the presence of certain diseases, they themselves recognize which organ needs help and restore it.

Stem cells are already used to treat more than 70 different diseases. And, according to scientists, this is far from the limit.

It should be noted that the aging process is directly related to the depletion of stem cells, due to which all the cells of a growing and mature organism are constantly renewed. By preserving this supply in the form of umbilical cord blood stem cells, it is possible to significantly increase not only life expectancy, but also ensure its main quality - youth. Many diseases, fortunately, can be avoided, but inevitable aging has plagued humanity since time immemorial. Modern advances in the field of cell therapy will allow a person to maintain health, vitality and an attractive appearance much longer.

Modern biotechnologies make it possible not only to isolate precious stem cells from umbilical cord blood, but also to preserve them for many years. There are about 200 cryobanks in the world that specialize in isolating stem cells from umbilical cord blood and storing them.

The procedure for collecting cord blood is very simple and safe for both the baby and his mother. Cord blood is collected by specially trained maternity hospital staff immediately after the birth and separation of the baby from the umbilical cord without physical contact with the mother and newborn. The collected material in a special container is promptly delivered to the Institute of Cell Therapy, where stem cells are isolated from umbilical cord blood.

Interestingly, unlike umbilical cord blood stem cells, which are autologous and more suitable for a child, placenta extract can be used to restore the health and youth of any family member.

Cord blood stem cells and placenta extract are a guarantee of a healthy and long life. It depends only on your decision whether the cord blood and placenta will be disposed of in the maternity hospital, or whether the baby will receive unique biological insurance.

The happiness of motherhood is inseparable from the health of the child. Take the chance to save cord blood, because this can only be done once in a lifetime - during childbirth.