Average monthly weight of a barbell in a weightlifter's training

What should be the intensity of the training load, and how to plan it correctly and realistically? – you must agree, a lot depends on this... And what should be the average monthly weight of a barbell in a weightlifter’s training? – in this article we will try to answer these not at all simple questions...

Let’s say that by the end of the year the athlete has achieved a result of 270 kg. The average training weight is 100 kg, which is 37% of the double event amount. The same percentage should be the average weight of the planned result (for example, 290 kg) for the next year. When calculated, it is 107.3 kg / 290 kg x 37% /2 - which means the athlete needs to plan to increase the average training weight per year from 100 to 107.3 kg.

Assuming that the intensity will increase gradually, then each month the increase should be 0.66 kg (7.3 kg: 11 months of training). This means that in the 1st month the intensity should be approximately 100.7, in the 3rd month - 102, in the 5th month - 103.3 kg, etc. Naturally, when working out according to this scheme, we do not forget, in addition to intensive training, Also, get quality rest, eat a good and balanced diet, and visit your favorite sports nutrition store more often - your body should not feel hungry. He should be provided with all kinds of “building materials” in abundance, otherwise you will not see any progress in the training...

So, we’ve sorted out the approximate increase in load... In this case, increasing the intensity to the planned values ​​assumes the identical content of the training load. In the process of preparing an athlete, there is a need to change the volume of certain exercises, which, naturally, leads to a change in the average training weight in relation to the planned one. It can be greater or less, and it is very difficult to achieve the intensity planned in this way.

However, the intensity of the load in each exercise, expressed in kilograms, obscures the content of the training and cannot give an idea of ​​​​how much barbell weight the athlete actually trained with. For example, if the average training weight of the barbell in the snatch in four sets was 80 kg, this does not mean that the athlete performed all the lifts with this particular weight. He could, for example, lift 70 kg twice and 90 kg twice, or 100 kg and 80 kg once and 70 kg twice, etc. Another example: you can perform snatch deadlifts 5 times with a weight of 80 kg and 110 kg. The average weight for 10 lifts (with a snatch of 100 kg), it would seem, corresponds to the optimal values ​​for improving technique in the snatch - 95 kg, but in reality it is far from being the same.

Thus, the average monthly planning of a weightlifter’s load intensity described above has a number of disadvantages and is therefore rarely used in practice.

Naturally, for use in practice, a simpler, more accessible and at the same time more accurate method of load intensity planning is needed. This method is proposed in this manual.

First, the result is determined in the sum of the double event, which the athlete must achieve in a year.

For each weight category (in certain years of training and depending on the age at which training began), there are certain average (possible) norms for the increase in results, which are taken as a basis for planning. Read more about this calculation method in our next article.

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