Successful women become aggressors

The reason for open aggression in women is stress, and hidden aggression is due to constant successes and ups and downs in their career. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Leipzig in Germany.

Experts say that uncontrollable anger is temporary, and the condition returns to normal 20 minutes after the peak of the experience. But, nevertheless, scientists note that such systematic outbursts of aggression can become permanent due to an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood and a hormonal surge in principle.

Endorphins are responsible for the release of hormones and calming processes - neuropeptides that are naturally produced in the neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain and influence the emotional state. When their level is normal, a woman enjoys simple things, but when there is a shortage, she does not experience any joy from shopping, meeting with loved ones, going to the movies or restaurants. Successful women take career achievements for granted, and since neither shopping, nor friendly gatherings, nor work pleases them, they look for other means of pleasure. These are the aggression and anger that leave vivid and unforgettable impressions.