Approximate meal schedule for athletes in bodybuilding and fitness.

Very often, beginners complain about their weak muscle growth - they say, I spend several hours a day in the gym, train hard, and enthusiasm - Wow! But there hasn’t been any growth, so what’s the matter? But the fact is that growth does not happen in the gym! All growth occurs during rest hours, and only with proper, complete and balanced nutrition! Have you ever wondered: why are all the movers far from being jocks? They carry a lot of heavy stuff! Count 8 working hours in a row! And in the end? - yes, they are sinewy, yes, they are strong. But they are not voluminous and they are not sculpted, and they don’t look much like bodybuilders at all... But why? - Because they don't eat right! They don't have a clear schedule! They don't have a well-designed menu!

And if they ate correctly, like athletes, six to eight times a day with a break every two hours, then perhaps they would be worse than seasoned body builders...

So, we now understand the importance of nutrition, schedule, menu composition and its regularity. But here’s the question: if you need to eat every two hours, then why live in the kitchen? And constantly cook and eat, cook and eat? So what?

Not at all! We'll give you a great recipe: just dilute your regular daily meals with sports nutrition products. That's all! As a sample, we provide an approximate meal schedule for athletes in bodybuilding and fitness. Use it as is, or modify it to suit your individual preferences...

Sample meal schedule for a bodybuilder:

  1. 8:00       Breakfast.
  2. 10:00     Taking creatine.
  3. 12:00     Light lunch or protein shake.
  4. 14:00     Lunch.
  5. 16:00     Gainer intake.
  6. 18:00     Dinner.
  7. 20:00     Protein shake.

And we recommend purchasing high-quality sports nutrition from trusted global brands in the AptekaFit online store - here you will find everything that both a novice bodybuilder and a seasoned Champion athlete need...

So, now you know how important nutrition is in the life of a bodybuilder. And you also know how to prepare it for yourself simply and effortlessly. Get stronger, fuller and more defined, see you in the gym!

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