The last two weeks before the competition in the preparation of the weightlifter.

In the last previous articles in this section, we looked at the nuances of training a weightlifter in preparation for the upcoming serious tournament. Well, how are things going in the very last days - just before the performance on the platform? The last two weeks before a competition in the preparation of a weightlifter are characterized by the fact that during this period the athlete must finally test his readiness for competition, using lifts of the maximum weight in the snatch and clean and jerk, and after such control lifts he needs to recover for the competition in order to exceed those achieved during training results. That is why in the last week preceding the competition, a small volume load is required, amounting to approximately 11 - 14% of the monthly volume with low intensity.

To properly plan the load in the last weeks, first plan when the maximum weight lifts in the snatch and clean and jerk (“walks”) should be performed. This can be done in the 3rd week: in the clean and jerk - on Wednesday (11 days before the competition) and in the snatch - on Saturday (8 days before the competition). All barbell lifts of 90% or more in the clean and jerk exercises planned for the 3rd week are transferred to Wednesday, and in the snatch exercises - to Saturday. Two lifts of 90% or more that occur in week 4 with a high-intensity distribution can be carried over to week 3 and performed on Monday at 90% (85 kg).

Once your walks are scheduled, it’s easy to create a Workout Plan for each week. At the same time, as in the preparatory month, approximately half of the snatch exercises, 44% of the barbell cleans and 68% of the chest cleans should be performed in the classical way. This, of course, does not mean that this ratio of classical and other exercises should be maintained absolutely exactly in each weekly cycle. In one week, the proportion of “classics” may be slightly larger, in another – less than the indicated values, but in general, in a monthly training, this ratio should be maintained.

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