What to do if this is your first time in the gym?

Think about it: We all started something at some point... Each of us once took our first breath, and then our first step, and then said our first word in our lives... And, probably, the great Arnold Schwarzenegger was still a very young teenager I also once crossed the threshold of the gym for the first time in my run-down town. And the beautiful Corina Everson was also once not a fitness star, but just a young girl with fear in her eyes who accidentally found herself in a fitness club for the first time... Athletes are not born! They become one through long and painstaking work. I think you understand this without words... And in order to do something worthwhile, you need to start! But sometimes it can be so difficult... It is about the first steps towards the art of bodybuilding that we will talk now...

As we said above, you should not be afraid to take the first steps and strive for something new, unknown. However, the natural reaction of every person is fear. After all, all the old-timers and regulars at gyms and fitness centers love to make fun of newcomers. When a newcomer appears in the hall, he automatically becomes the subject of everyone's curiosity. Everyone appreciates him or her. They look, they say, what will this diva do now? And they are just waiting for some mistake of yours to have a good laugh...

What to do if this is your first time in the gym? How to avoid falling under the strict, meticulously appraising views of the club's old-timers? And not even give them a chance to make fun of you? We will give you some practical advice that will 100% protect you from all this:

  1. Alone in the field is not a warrior. Why put yourself at a dead end when you can come with a friend or girlfriend who feels like a fish in water in the gym? Moreover, a friend will always answer everything, even the most idiotic questions, and help if something goes wrong. And in general, seeing you with a seasoned wolf, no one will mistake you for a yellow-mouthed lamb who accidentally found his way into this world of heavy weights and iron sports...
  2. Prepare theoretically. By the way, this is exactly what you are already doing. Before you immediately lift iron with enthusiasm, first find out: how to do it correctly, where to start, etc., etc. The very minimum that you should definitely know: these are the requirements for sportswear and safety precautions, because without this there is absolutely no way.
  3. Try not to get out of the pack. Be like everyone else. For example, if no one comes to a certain exercise machine, it means there is nothing for you to do there either. Take a closer look at those around you. What they do, you can take into account. A clear example is always the best. But look not at serious athletes who have already achieved some impressive results, but at the same yellow-throats like you, and you will be happy.
  4. Beware of complex simulators, the principle of operation of which you do not yet understand. For example, a treadmill - not every experienced athlete can run on it right away. And there’s so much to it: speed, angles of inclination, and you also need to understand how to turn it off urgently if something happens. So don't even go there yet.
  1. Any workout begins with stretching, warming up and warming up - this will protect you from possible sports injuries.
  2. Cardio warm-up will also not be amiss - it will prepare your heart, respiratory and circulatory systems. Pedal the exercise bike and work on the orbit track for 10 minutes.
  3. Start any work with minimal weight. Feel the movement and its full amplitude, and only then add load.
  4. If something doesn't work out, don't hesitate to ask. As we have already said, there is nothing wrong with this. Never do anything stupid - because this is what people usually laugh at.
  5. We end any workout with a mandatory cool-down and relaxation exercises.

That's probably all... And remember: the first time only happens once, so try to enjoy it too... Well, at the next workout, believe me, you will already feel like a fish in water. For that, I take my leave... See you in the gym...

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