Mass and cutting in bodybuilding

Lean muscle mass - what is it?

Lean muscle mass - what is it?

First, let's understand the terminology. Consider the term: “Lean muscle mass.” Do you know: what is this?

This short note will tell you what it is, and in the future we will often use this concept...

Workout to burn fat in the gym for girls.

Gnaw the granite of fitness!

Questionable diets and grueling fasts certainly bring some benefit in the fight against subcutaneous fat, but by stopping or suspending them, there is a possibility of returning to the original level. And only an integrated approach and constant work on yourself can radically transform your appearance once and for all. Moreover, it is much more difficult for women to achieve this than for men due to a number of physiological characteristics. Our dear ladies, we will show you ways to combat excess fat. Get ready, it will be interesting...

Exercises for drying.

Exercises for drying.

The life of any bodybuilder consists of two continuously changing stages:

About the second stage and how to effectively fight subcutaneous fat and improve the relief, without losing weight and volume - read further in this article...