Working out at home versus working out in a fitness club - all the pros and cons

The age-old question: “Where is the best place to train? At home or in a fitness club? has been tormenting us all for years now...

On the one hand, while you get to this fitness club through our city traffic jams, while you change clothes, there’s really no time left for training. All this getting around eats up a lot of time, which, as you know, is money! Plus the financial costs of a fitness club. Having calculated the cost of a regular visit, you realize that you need to prepare an impressive amount for this pleasure...

On the other hand, once you get to a fitness club, you are like a duck to water. Here you will find all the most modern simulators and any machine for working out any, even the smallest muscle, equipment of any weight and size to suit your taste. In general, the equipment of fitness clubs cannot be compared in any way with your home sports corner, which, despite all your efforts, will in any way be inferior to a more or less professional club.

And in the fitness club there is an air conditioner with fresh air, which will save you from the heat in the era of summer heat, which will definitely be missed in your sports corner. And of course, the icing on the cake is the post-training rehabilitation products. Not a single home sports corner can boast of this. Bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, massage room are integral elements of any self-respecting sports institution.

And what do we have in the end? – I don’t know about you, but my choice is definitely leaning toward a sports club rather than homework. Moreover, at home you will be constantly distracted by your household, and there will be no talk of serious training - just pampering. Well, you can, of course, sometimes lightly train or add additional training at home - for example, working out the abs. It's true. Here, on the contrary, I prefer home. Or, as an example, work on difficult muscles - the forearms and lower legs. I even recommend that you achieve them at home, because they require a special, narrowly focused approach and, so to speak, constant influence, so you definitely won’t get away with training in the gym alone.

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