Sunbathing will help with hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the most common problems in the modern world. It can lead to serious illnesses such as stroke and heart attack. Therefore, scientists are constantly looking for new ways to combat hypertension. One of these ways can be a simple and pleasant activity - sunbathing.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh conducted a study that showed that sunbathing can help normalize blood pressure. This is because UV rays promote the release of nitric oxide into the bloodstream. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

However, scientists remind that ultraviolet radiation cannot be abused. It can lead to the development of skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to take precautions when sunbathing.

The study was conducted on 24 volunteers who sunbathed for 20 minutes. The results showed that the pressure returned to normal within 1 hour. However, scientists note that their findings are still preliminary, and sunbathing should not be considered a panacea for hypertension.

It is important to note that before sunbathing, you should consult your doctor. He will help you determine if this method of fighting hypertension is right for you and give safety recommendations.

Overall, sunbathing can be beneficial for those who suffer from hypertension. However, it is important to remember precautions and not overuse ultraviolet radiation. Scientists plan to continue research to more accurately determine the health risks and benefits of sunbathing.