Premature women have a difficult pregnancy

Women born prematurely are twice as likely to experience complications during pregnancy, The Daily Mail reports, citing a study of more than 24,000 women from the University of Montreal.

Among the possible problems, experts note gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and preeclampsia, which threatens both mother and child. The report found that one in five women born before 32 weeks experienced at least one problem during pregnancy. Among the control group, every tenth had difficulties.

Overall, 19.9% ​​of preterm women had at least one pregnancy complication. Among those born at 32-36 weeks, problems occurred in 13.2%, and among those born at term - in 11.7%. Plus, being born early increased the risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, it is known that people born with low body weight are more likely to develop heart disease and metabolic problems such as diabetes later. And these diseases, in turn, increase the likelihood of complications during pregnancy. This creates a vicious circle.
