Aqua exercises for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a period when the expectant mother needs to pay special attention to her health and physical fitness. One of the most effective and enjoyable ways to keep your body in shape and relieve stress from your muscles is aqua exercises in the pool.

Due to a shift in the center of gravity and a growing belly, pregnant women's posture changes and pain appears in the lower back and pubic bone. Water will help relieve muscle tension whether you lie on your back or stand. In addition, aqua exercises in the pool will help strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and prepare the body for childbirth.

In this article we will talk about several simple exercises that can be performed in the pool during pregnancy.

Stand in water

Stand more stable, spread your arms to the sides. The water level should be shoulder-deep. Move along the side or march in place. The water will begin to massage your skin and muscles, your body will exercise and relax at the same time - due to the lack of gravity. Walk like this for 2 minutes.

Continue to march or move along the side, and bring your hands lowered into the water in front of your chest. After making a large stroke, move them to the sides. This exercise will tone the muscles of the chest, arms, upper back and legs. Do this for 2 minutes and try to make wider strokes.

Turns in place

Place your feet together, spread your arms to the sides and keep them under water. Without jumping and fixing your shoulders and arms at the same level, turn in place in one direction or the other. These rotations will add strength and shape to your obliques and take pressure off your lower back.

Lying on your back

Lie on your back and float on your back. Row your arms, lifting them up and behind your head. Raise your pelvis higher so that your body is extended straight and your stomach protrudes above the water. This style will relax your back muscles and strengthen your legs, butt, back and arms. Swim to the side, rest a little. Your optimal distance is 150-200 meters.


The safest swimming style for your body right now is crawl. Breathe freely, swim slowly and, having reached the side, rest. Your goal is the same – 150-200 meters.

Swim board

To be sure, be sure to take a small swimming board or a thin, non-sinking stick. Lie on your back, with a board under your head and your hands on top of it. Swim with your legs in a crawl style and try to keep them moving from the hip. Swim to the side, rest a little. Your distance in one approach is 150-200 meters.


Before starting swimming pool exercises, you should consult your doctor. The duration and intensity of the exercises should be adapted to the individual characteristics of each expectant mother.

When performing exercises, you need to pay attention to your condition and not overexert yourself. It is also not recommended to exercise in the pool if you have health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease or respiratory disease.


Aqua exercises for pregnant women are a great way to keep your body in shape and relieve stress on your muscles during pregnancy. They help strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and prepare the body for childbirth. By performing these exercises, the expectant mother not only improves her physical condition, but also gets a lot of pleasant sensations from swimming in the warm water of the pool.