A heart rate monitor for fitness is a convenient multifunctional device.

When playing sports, it is important to monitor your heart rate and constantly keep it at the right pace. Depending on age and resting heart rate, each person can calculate their optimal heart rate (there are special tables for this). The fact is that if the heartbeat is not intense enough, you will not be able to achieve the maximum effect, and if the pulse is too fast, you can simply become overtired and even begin to lose muscle mass.

To monitor your heart rate, it is convenient to use a fitness heart rate monitor. There are various models of heart rate monitors for sports, among which you can easily choose the device that suits you.

Heart rate monitors differ in the way they are attached: on the earlobe, on the finger, on the wrist (like a wristwatch) and on the chest. The most accurate are chest heart rate monitors. The most convenient option is a heart rate watch, equipped with a wireless chest-mounted heart rate monitor.

There are different types of heart rate monitors depending on their functionality. It is not difficult to choose a heart rate monitor for fitness, subject to specific requirements. For example, many models have additional functions such as a calorie, speed and distance counter, the ability to calculate the desired heart rate depending on gender, weight, height and age, as well as memory for several workouts, a graph of the current heart rate and much more. Modern heart rate monitors are able to determine the lower and upper limits of the permissible heart rate and the maximum degree of stress. In addition, in some models you can choose a training mode: achieving maximum results or exercising to maintain a normal body without compromising your health. An athlete can choose a program to enhance fat burning or a workout aimed at increasing endurance.

Among the most popular and high-quality models of heart rate monitors, it is worth noting the heart rate monitors from Polar. Models “Polar FT4M”, “Polar RCX3M Bike”, “Polar RS300X Black” and others receive positive user reviews. In addition to Polar, heart rate monitors from Sigma should be mentioned. The best Sigma heart rate monitors are the RC 14.11 running and PC 15.11 sports.

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