Scientists: It’s good for pregnant women to make a row

Stormy scandals with her husband help a pregnant woman feel the strength of her connection with him. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania came to this conclusion.

The study involved 138 couples who were expecting their first child. 82% of couples were married. Psychologists asked all participants to answer questions about the psychological climate in the family. In addition, everyone's levels of the stress hormone cortisol were measured before, immediately after, and 20 minutes after discussing problematic topics.

It turned out that the level of stress in a pregnant woman’s body does not depend on how conflicting the situation is. In addition, it turned out that women with high anxiety easily recover from a scandal. According to psychologists, a pregnant woman perceives any contact (even a scandal) as a way to interact with her partner. For her, a stormy showdown is proof of her husband’s concern.
