How to pump up calves at home

Beautiful and voluminous calves are the dream of many girls. However, unfortunately, nature has awarded such wealth to only a few. How to start calf muscles at home - read our material.

The problem of disproportionate legs is found in civilization. The advent of public transport and personal cars gave people the opportunity not to walk. The result is ugly calves.

If you have disproportionate calves and want to pump them up, the first and main rule is to try to walk more. And do simple exercises regularly.


Jumping rope builds beautiful leg muscles, and due to the type of load, the calves are best toned. Just grab a jump rope and start jumping. Jump for a long time until you feel a burning sensation in your legs.

It is very important to perform this exercise at the beginning of your workout to warm up your muscles before the next workout.


With the help of the "Springs" exercise, dancers strengthen their legs. To perform it, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly rise up onto your toes as high as you can, and then slowly lower back down into place. Perform 3 sets of 40 reps.

If simple calf raises are too easy for you, do them on one leg at a time. To make it even more challenging, grab dumbbells or water bottles.


Oddly enough, but regular walking on your toes is a great way to pump up your calves. Stand high on your toes, turn on your favorite track and walk around the room during the entire tune. Then rest a little and do another set for 3-4 minutes.


Another very effective tool in the war for beautiful calves is walking on a stepper. A stepper is a simulator that simulates walking up stairs. If you don’t have such a simulator, you can use any ladder. The exercise time is 15 minutes.

Exercises on the stepper also work great with general fat mass, easily removing excess volume, and also pumping up the buttocks.

These simple but effective exercises will help you build beautiful calves at home. The main thing is regularity and desire!